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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/744

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716 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 251, 253. 1922. The appropriation for the fiscal grpar 1923 for printing and binding for the Library of Congress shall zzpportioned between the Library of Congress and the Architect of the apitol and that portion allotted to the uilding and grounds shall be transferred to and made avail- M%*g‘ggc’§¤,§g?hg¤ Q3); able for the Architect of the Capitol. The appropriations and porwl. gens of ap(p1:priations herein ltransgerred tic the h1Alrchitect of the; apito , an a propriations ere ter ma e to on account o the Library Building and Groxmds shall be disbursed for that purpose in the same manner as other appropriations under his control. Approved, June 29, 1922. J 30-1922 CHAP. 253.-A A Making ` th ' d nmili

 activities of the War!l)epcdrtinent 01-agileuiigmglrg di-irdin; JE]:-3‘0l,%;213, aliiil for ogg

’ ' p¤r1>¤¤¢¤- ,1,,,,,,,;.,,,,, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United ¤¤xi>i¤¤¤·¤¤~ map- States of in ?'ongress assembled, Thg the following swims are appropria out 0 any mone in the Treasury not otherwise itppropnated; for the military and nonmilita.ry activities of the War epartment for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923, and for other piuposes, namely: . ”" '”““°*Y TITLE I——MILITARY A S AND OTHER EXPENSES icti t1es,etc. OF '1`HE WAR DEPARTMENT INCIDENT THERETO. ¤ec¤=¤¤ry·¤om·». ormcn or snonnranr or wan. S¢¢r¤¤¤rv·AS¤i¤*¤!¤» Salaries: Secretary of War, $12,000; Assistant Secretary, $10,000; °$iS`l`l€°§Z.8°d mugssistant and Clerk, who shall sign such official papers and ocuments as the cretary may direct $4 000; private secretary to to tlie Séecretary, $2,500; clepk ltéo thelSebretary, $2é)9(;0; stenographer to the ecretary, $2 000; c er to the Assistant retary $2,400· assistant chief clerli, $2,400; disbursing clerk, $2,750; principal clerks—one $2,500, one $2,250, one $2,000; chiefs of divisions——two at $2,500 each, two at $2,200 each, one $2,000; deputy disbursing clerk, $2,000· chief telegrapher, $1,800; clerks——ten o class four, ten of class three, two at $1,500 each, nineteen of class two, two at $1,300 each, twenty-seven of class one, one $1,100, five at $1,000 each; foreman, $1,400; cargienter, $1,200; engineer, $1,200; assistant engineer, $720; skilled la orer, $1,080; chief messenger, $1,000; messengers——two at $1,01010 eaph,hsix at $840 each; four assistant messenvers at $720 eac ; te ep one supervisor $1,020; thirteen teleiphozige spfvitchboard operators at $840$each; fixéa labopegs fiii) $660 eac ; c au eurs——one $1,000, two at 840 eac ; sldl e a orer, $900; six watchman at $720 each; messenger boy, $480; charwoman, $240; in all, $207,080. coN·rn:onN·r Exrnwsns, wan DEPARTMENT. ,.,g}"l.’]$‘Q.l{°,§§LY °°“°i“' For purchase of professional and scientific books, law books, includoigg gieir exchange; books of reference, blank lglcéoks, pamphlets, peri ic s, newspa rs, maps· thewriters and ding machines, pnd Qther laléor-saviiieg devicesjinglilding their repair exchange; urm ure an repairs to same; carpets matting o eum, iilin equipmeintil photo supplies, tzwelsé ice, liroonis, sdap, sponges, fuel as, an eating apparatus or uildm` gs, e ectric power electric Eght; repaus tp, alterations and installations in Government-owned buildings (outside of the State, War, and Navy Department Building) occupied by the War Department and its bureaus; maintenance,