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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/743

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 250, 251. 1922. 715 Vifashmgton Aqueduct; $17,520 wholly out of the revenues of the m§nmI§’,Q,‘{§§§§,,,Y;§g§ District of Columbia on account of employees of the Minimum Wage ` Board, the plaégrounds glglpartment, and the community center depuarglnent of e public ools. $1,494,161. Sixty lper centum of any amounts eitrhpended under the rovisions of this Act_on account of employees of e United States whose basic Flsfgggg mm **1** compensation IS p)ayable 60 per centum from the revenues of the ` D1s_tr1ct of Colum ia. and 40 per centum from the Treasury of the United States shall be reimbursed to the Treasury of the United States from the revenues of the District of Columbia. Sec. 8. That so much as may be necessary to pay the increased ,g,',§'§{,,,"‘“,,,‘},,‘§,T'}"l°"°°' comdgensation provided in this ct to persons employed under trust fun who may be construed to be employees of the Government of the United States or of the District of Co umbia is authorized to be paid, respectively, from such trust funds. Approved, June 29, 1922. CHAP. 251.-An Act To abolish the office of Superintendent of the Library frgiizillgggj Building and Grounds and to transfer the duties thereof to the Architect of the [Public,No.2TW' Capitol and the Librarian of Congress. Be it enacted by the Senate and Houseneg Representatives of the _ United States of Amerika in Congress asse Zed, That the office of },§‘§,‘;'g},,'Qf°‘?°$ Superintendent of the Libr¥hy Building and Grounds is abolished on mins; ¤,~¤i1$E` wd an after July 1, 1922. ereafter the Architect of the Capitol grnuzixpmcea uhdu shall have charge of all structural work at the Library Building and &§f"“‘°°‘ °‘ “‘° C°P*‘ on the grounds, includitigball repairs, the operation maintenance, and repair of mechanic &l’ant and elevators, the care and mamtenance of the grounds, and and supplying of all furmture and eqmpment for the mldmg. The employees required for the performance of the foregging duties shall be apyiiointed by the Architect of the Capitol. All 0 er duties required to e per- L_1g¤¤tie¤ placed under formed by the Su(perinten ent of the Library Building and Grounds 1 mm"` shall be performe thereafter under the direction of the Librarian of Mminimativg Congress, who shall appoint the employees necessary therefor. The assistant me manmposition of administrative assistant and disbursing officer is hereby i“’{»§§?fZ§QY'°“°°°‘ created in the Library of Congress effective on July 1, 1922. The salary of such position shall be at the rate of $3,000 per annum and appomtments thereto shall be made by the Librarian. The admin- P¤'=*•¤· istrative assistant and disbursing officer shall disburse the appropriations for the Library of Congress and the Botanic Garden and shall perform such services in connection with the duties hereby u n the Librarian as he may direct, and shall give bond paya le to B°°°‘ tli): United States in the sum of $30,000, with sureties app-Loved by the Secret of the Treasury for the faithful discharge 0 duties. Tmmm 0, mms Sec. 2. {That all books, documents, papers, furniture, and equip- eee. ' ment of the office of Su erintendent of the Library Buildinguand Grounds shall be dividedp between and transferred to the Arc `tect of the Capitol and the Library of Congress on the basis of duties ` Sec. 3. That the appropriation of $3,600 for the Hscaluyear 1923 .t§,.‘°;‘?°f""°'°p*"°*’"' for the salary of the gu rintendent of the Library B ding and ·*”‘*·P·*”· Grounds is made availabl; for the payment of the salary of the administrative assistant and disbursigi officer at the rate of $3,000 A _ 1 per annum d such fiscal year. approdgriations for the fiscal ,pE,‘?.§’,}’,E,°Yt,'*£?°° ° ear 1923 for the library Building and Groun shall be apportioned ”“# PP- “’· ’·'“· llietween, transferred to, and made available for the Architect of the Capitol and the Library of Congress on the basis of duties transferred.