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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/746

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718 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. draff clerical and messen er services in the Milita Intell` ence ,bl£“,§?” °°°°°Ms Divisildtigr, in Washington, Distgrict of Columbia; and olfythe migtary attachés at the United States embassies and legations abroad and rental of offices for such military attachés; the cost of special instruction at home and abroad, and in maintenance of students and attachés; for the hire of interpreters, special agents, and guides and for such _ other puriposes as the Secretary of War may deem proper, including ‘ ,,p2§’§§,‘§¥°,“}‘,§‘,§§;,¥ $10,000 or the actual and necessary expenses of officers of the ¤-rmiw Army on duty abroad for the purgose 0 observing operations of armies of forei States at war, to e paid upon certificates of the Secretary of Vgsilr that the expenditures were necessag for obtain- Prom ing military information, $162,500; to be exqoende under the rmearians. direction o the Secretary of War: Provided, hat section 3648, R·S‘·S°°‘3°‘“’p‘m‘ Revised Statutes, shall not apply to subscri tions for foreign and professional newspapers and periodicals to he paid for from this appropriation. ,,m*’°"“"‘”'*°l“°' PCLEELKB, Mmssmrmmzs, AND LABOREBS, ormcm or THE Cmmr or Srriirr: Chief clerk, $2,500; clerks—one $2,250, four at $2,000 each, six at $1,800 each, ten at $1,600 each, twent at $1,400 each, twenty at $1,200 each, twenty at $1,000 each; chief messenger, $1,000; r31essenger;—two at $840 each, six at $720 each; laborer, $720; in , $119,2 0.

 G“‘“'“"“ Armrranr GENERAL’8 Dnrmmnnr.

,,§'y°?,‘§g?’,}¤'°§,’§€,{“§{l§f CONTINGENCES, Imanquanrmzs or MILITARY DEPARTMENTS, AND so FORTH. Cmmgmt I For contingent expenses at the headquarters of the several territorial departments, corps areas, armies, territorial districts, tactical corps, divisions, and brigades, including the Staff Corps serving thereat, being for the purchase of the necessary articles of office, toilet, and desk furniture, stationery, iceQ and otable water for office use when necessary, binding, maps, technical books of reference, professional and technical newspapers and periodicals, payment for which may be made in advance, and police utensils, to be allotted by the Secretary of War, and to be expended in the discretion of the commanding officers of the several military departments, corps areas, districts, armies, and tactical commands, $6,000. Amy ”“'°°""‘°‘ ARMY WAR Coulson. p,§,'§§§T"°"°°’ °t°’ °x' For cxércnses of the Army War College, heretofore known as the General talf College, being for the purchase of the necessar stationery; typewriters and exchange 0 same; office, toilet, andy desk furniture; textbooks, books of reference, scientific and professional papers and priodicals; printing and binding; maps; police utensils; or lighting the Army War College Building and grounds; employ- ment of temporary, technical, or special services and expenses of special lecturers; and for all other absolutely necessary expenses, including $25 per month additional to regplar compensation to chief (hmm pmmm, clerk for suplerintendence of the Army ar College Building; also ` for pay of the following: Chief clerk, $2,000; clerks—two at $1,800 each, seven at $1,600 each, seven at $1,400 each, eight at $1,200 each, four at $1,000 each; chief engineer, $1,400; assistant engineer, $1,000; captain of the watch, $900; six watchmen, at $720 each; four Hremcn, at $720 each; packer, $840; four messengers, at $720 each; laborers-—-one $720, one $600; gardener, $720; five charwomen, at $240 each; in all, $70,380.