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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/747

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SIXTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. 719 GENERAL SERVICE scrroors, rom: LnAvENwon·rn, KANSAS. Kfgg L°"°¤w°*‘”*» For the apurchase of textbooks, books of reference, scientific and s¤ir°€¤tiliiiii°gii¤?¢;¤ri$i profession fpapers, instruments, and material for instruction; em- G°"°’°’S*°” S°h°°*· plolyment o temporaiiy, technical, special and clerical services, inc uding the services o one translator at the rate of $150 er month; and for other necessary expenses of instruction, at the School of the Line and the General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, $35,000. mLrrARY rosr EXCHANGES. P°°‘ °‘°"*“‘8°°· For continuing the construction, equi ment, and maintenance of M°m°°"°°’ °t°‘ suitable building? at military plosts and stations, for the conduct of the thexc ange, school, `brary, reading, limch, amusement rooms; iiiisthe conduct and maintenance of hostess houses, chapels, and gymnasiums, including repairs to buildings erected at private cost, ,,§°°’°°“°" l’““‘““€· in the operation of the Act approved May 31, 1902; for the rental V<>1·32»r>·282· of films, purchase of slides, su p `es for and making repairs to movingpicture outnts and for similiar and other recreational purposes at training and mobilization camps now established, or which may be P ms hereafter established, $115,000: Provided, That not to exceed $30,000 Liniranes and umm from this a ropriation may be expended for the conduct and main- "°‘“°S· tenance of libraries and not to exceed $60,000 may be 0;x£ended for the conduct and maintenance of hostess houses: Pr d further, P°Y'°“"*°'·‘°“· That no person may be employed hereunder at a rate of com ensation exceeding $3,500 per annum and not more than two may ge employed at $3,500 per annum. quamnmnsmn surrmms, mqurnmwr, AND so rorrrn, rmsmzvn T,*§§_,$Y°c¤9ps“}°°'°’ 0Fmcmzs’ mamma CORPS. For the rocurement and issue, under such regulations as may be p1i%r ¢s (lip prescribed hy the Secretary of War, to institutions at which one or more units of the Reserve OfHcers’ Training Corps are maintained, of such public animals, means of transportation, supplies, tentage, equipment, and uniforms as he may deem necessary, and to forage at the expense of the United States public animals so issued, and to pay commutation in lieu of uniforms at a rate to be fixed annually y the Secretary of War; for trans orting said animals and other authorized sup `es and equipment fiom p ace of issue to the several institutions and training cam s and return of same to place of issue when necessary; for the estalhlislunent and maintenance of camps ,,,,§',§‘,,,’}.,},§"°“ "°mP“· for the further practical instruction of the members of the Reserve OfHcers’ Trainin Corps, and for transporting members of such corps to and from suc§ camps, and to subsist them while traveling to and from such camps and while remaining therein so far as approyilriations Commutmon 0 I will permit; or in lieu of transporting them to and from suc camps ami mwam, ar-. and subdsting them while en route, to pay them travel allowance at the rate of 5 cents per mile for the distance by the shortest usually traveled route from the laces from which they are authorized to proceed to the camp andp for the return travel thereto, and to pay the return travel pay in advance of the actual performance of the travel; for pay for students attending advanced camps at the rate prescribed or soldiers of the seventh grade of the Regular Armg; Subsistence or the ayment of commutation of subsistence to members of the ‘ senior division of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, at a rate not exceeding the cost of the garrison ration prescribed for the ,-,,,3,, p_,,,,__ Army, as authorized in the Act approved June 3, 1916, as amended };¤¤-$¤Zv-'¤6- bi the Act approved June 4, 1920, $3 ,100,000, to remain available until r%ii:#°¤iis em., rmm ber 31, 1923: Provided, That uniforms and other equipment ·*‘"”"“'*’*'“““‘°°*5·