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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/754

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726 SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sizes. II. Ch. 253. 1922. W°**<‘ W°' $°”*°° CLAIMS OF ormcmns, Mmmmzs or mm NURSE oonrs, AND ENLISTED my md `u°'m°°s` MEN Fon PAY AND ALIDWANCES, WORLD WAR. “'“"¥’°""*°‘*"°""°°“ Not exceedin $500 000 of the unex ended amount of the appro-

 priations for pa§r and iso forth, of the Xrmy for the fiscal years 1919

I" and 1920 is hereby made available for gayment for the adjustment and settlement of claims of officers, mem ers of the Nurse Corps, and enlisted men for pay and allowances growing out of service m the World War from April 6, 1917, to Jime 30, 1919, and from July 1, 1919, to June 30, 1920, inclusive, and shall remain upon the books of the Treasury to the credit of those appropriations imtil June 30, 1923. agmk P"' b°°°°y’ ABREABS or PAY, B0¤N·rY, AND so roam (crzivrrrmn cnams). v§,‘},,*"g§,,f“'“ wu For arrears oftpay of two and three Kyear volunteers, for bounty to V:¤r14.£·§22- ( volunteers and err widows and leg heirs, for bounty under the mm. u ° "' Act of July 28, 1866, and for amounts for commutation of rations to prisoners of war in States of the so-called Confederac , and to soldiers on furlough, that may be certified to be due by the General Accounting Office during the fiscal year 1923, $1,000. P"’·°t°' rar, AND so Foam, OF THE ARKY, WAR wrru SPAIN (CERTIFIED CLAIMS). Spgigié- Wu with For arrears of pay and allowances on account of service of officers and men of the Army during the war with Spain and in the Philippine Islands that may be certified to be due by the General Accounting Oiiice during the fiscal year 1923, and that are chargeable to the appropriations that have been carried to the surplus und, $500. 0iiiii1¤°<ir.°f Finsrm Orrrcn or run Cmnr or FINANCE. Cmmnm`m¤Bu¤` Salaries: Assistant to Chief of Finance, $5,000; chief clerk, $2,750; chiefs of divisions——one $3,000, one $2,750· principal clerks—-one $2,400, one $2,250, four at $2,000 each; clerks—thirty-two of class four, twenty of class three, forty-four of class two, sixteen at $1,300 Bodom, ts each; sixty of class one; two messengers, at $840 each; two assistant ` messengers, at $720 each; auditors for Red Cross accounts—one $3,500, one $3,000, two at $2,750 each; in all, $285,270. Q °°mC°r°S' QUARTERMASTER Conrs. ?¤“J°¤iii$Z`?isuppus Srsizsrsrsivcrz or run ARMY: Purchase of subsistence sup lies: "" "”“”‘°°"‘ For issue as rations to troops, includin warrant officers of the gline Planter Service, enlisted men of the glinlisted Reserve Corps and retired enlisted men when ordered to active duty, civil employees when entitled thereto, hospital matrons, nurses, applicants for enlistment while held under observation, general prisoners of war (including Indians held by the Army as prisoners, but for whose subsistence appropriation is not otherwise made), Indians employed with the Army as guides and scouts, and general prisoners at posts; T""’°°'°S°"*"°‘ for the subsistence of the masters, officers, crews, and em loyees of the vessels of the Arm Transport Service; hot coifee fdr troops traveling when suppliedir with cooked or travel rations; meals for Sam to mms at recrmting parties and applicants for enlistment while under observa- P _ °‘ tion; for sales to officers, including members of the Officers’ Reserve eww in ,,,,_ Corps wlule on active duty, and enlisted men of the Army: Provided, ¤°¤¤m¤° ¤¤*¢¤· That the sum of $12,000 is authorized to be expended for suppl ing meals or furnishing commutation of rations to enlisted men ofy the Regular Army and the National Guard who may be competitors in the national rifle match: Provided further, That no competitor shall