SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 253. 1922. 725 For additional pay to officers below the grade of major required to mQ§,‘g§f’ ‘“"*iS"i“¤ be mounted and who furnish their own mounts, $50,000. All the mone hereinbefore appropriated for pay of the Army and b A¤i<;>¤¤¢1¤s age gis miscellaneous shall be disbursed) and accormted for as pay of the um g°s°”° un ` Army, and for that purpose shall constitute one `frmd: Provided, {{,;*;*;;,,0,, on m_ That rmder thigdprovision no amount shall be used for the emplo - ploying mamumr pu. ment of any ditional persons over the number for which tlie S°°S‘ specific appropriations herein provide. For amormt reguired to make monthly pagments to Jennie Carroll, J°“‘“° °“"°"‘ widow of James arroll, late maajior, United `tates Army, $1,500. M M H For amount required to m e monthly payments to Mabel H. ‘° 'L°°°"‘ Lazear, widow of Jesse W. Lazear, late acting assistant surgeon, United States Army, $1,500. For amount required to make monthly payments to John R. Kis- mm R'K1“I”‘°" singer, late of Company D, One hundred and fifty-seventh Indiana Vo rmteer Infantry, also late of the Hospital Corps, United States Army, $1,200. For compensation of clerks and other employees of the Finance ¤»g?»'ii°X•p°:}°a¤$°¤i¤.Ff Department, $1,460,000: Promkied, That $500,000 of this amount shall f{,°,{,‘;’{,;g wom, Wa,. be available only for the compensation and traveling expenses of ¤>¤¢¤w¤S· clerks and other employees engaged on work pertaining to the audit hmm mm in of World War contracts, and of this amormt not to exceed $25,000 wunepueiiisurcmce. shall be available for ersonal services, at salaries not in excess of $3,000 per annum, in the office of the Chief of Finance, War Departmm- .. .. an The Army shall be reduced b the Secretary of War so that the to megt pay ru°n» sum herein appropriated shall dehay the entire cost of the ay of the “’°"*'°"· officers and men of the line and staff during the Escal year ending June 30, 1923. manson or mn nun. ·'m°"°‘ For mileage to commissioned officers, warrant officers, members of °°°°”’°°°' the Officers Reserve Corps when ordered to active duty, contract surgeons expert accountant, Inspector General’s Department, Army fiel clerks and field clerks of the guartermaster Corps, when author- ,,,0,,,,0 ized by law, $1,350,000: Promkie , That the mileage allowance to 0¤¤¢¤ré’ Reserve members of the Officers’ Reserve Corps when called into active service, C°"”"` S°m°°‘ for training for fifteen days or less s all not exceed 4 cents per mile. onams ron namaons ro Ami wss or rmvarm rrzornrrrr. ,*"*”•;j*_,,g{'°P•'*Y For payment of claims of not to exceed $500 in amount for damages ,_,§°Y‘“°”‘ °' °*•*"“ to and oss of private profperty incident to the training, practice, operation, or maintenance o the Army that have accrued, or ma hereafter accrue, from time to time, $50,000: Provided, That settlement Qmm www of such claims shall be made by the General Accounf Office, u n omni Aceonmttng . $5 P0 Om the approval and recommendation of the Secretary of ar, where the ‘ amount of damages has been ascertained by the War Department, anduplayment thereof will be accepted by the owners of the property m f satisfaction of such damages. crams or orrrcnns, nxusrnn mm, Ami NURSES or rim ARMY ron , °' P"` nnsrnucmox or rrcrvyrn ruornrrrr. For the a ent of claims of officers, enlisted men, and nurses of ,,,§*f§{’§F§°*§‘§‘,,°",’°’”‘,, the Army fiir)p%vate property lost, destroyed, captured, abandoned, ’ I Or damaged in the military service of the Unite States, under the V¤¥-41»1>~143¤· provisions of an Act approved March 4, 1921, $50,000.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/753