SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 253. 1922. 729 sho s, and garbage reduction works· for uip e, inclu" author- ‘°“°*¤*’”· ized) issues of toilet articles, barbersl and ?ilori;,.gmate1ial‘dT1¥or use of cl ’ tc` general plrisoners confined at military posts without pay or allowances and agp 'cants for enlistment while held under observation; issue of toilet ts to recruits upon their first enlistment, and issue of housewives to the Army; for expenses of pac and handling and similar _ , necessaries; for a suit of citizen’s outer clot , to cost not exceeding .,.}§,S}’§10t§i{,g,°§l,lT°“ S $30, to be issued when necessary to each soldier disch ed otherwise than honorably; to each enlisted man convicted by cig? court for an offense resulf in confinement in a penitentiary or other civil prison; and to each glgsted man ordered interned by reason of the fact that he is an alien enemy, or, for the same reason, discharged without internment; for indemnity to officers and men of the Army for cloth- S,}0‘;i’°d°";j‘,§f}l[,,,f,°'6,c‘l°‘ ing and bedding, and so forth, destroyed since April 22, 1898, by order ' of medical officers of the Army for sanitary reasons, $5,000,000: Pro- xgimmmt Hm vided, That hereafter authorized sales of clothing and other 3-parter— plus overhead mis. master supplies shall be at the average crurent prices, plus overhead costs, to be determined and fixed by the Secretary of War. _ INCIDENTAL rrxmmsns or- rim Amar: Postage; hire of laborers in {,‘}$’,‘,§§‘Q,‘“°m°§’§;,‘§,°?; the QuartermasterCo s including the care of ofIicers’ mounts when awthe same are furnishg by the Government; compensation of clerks and other employees of the Quartermaster Corps, and clerks, foremen, watchmen, and organist for the United States disciplinary barracks, and incidental expenses of recruiting; for the aipsfehension, securing and delivering of deserters, including escaped 'tary prisoners, and the exgipnses mcident to theilrglpluismt; an no gigeater sum than $50 for eac deserter or esca@d `tary prisoner , in the discretion of the Secretary of War, paid to any civil officer or citizen for such services and expenses; for a donation of $10 to each dishonorably discharged prisoner ugon his release from connnement under courtmartial entence invo vingwlishonorable discharge; and such additional expenditures as are necessary and authorized by law in the movements and (gperation of the Army and at military posts, and not expressly assign to any other department, $4,750,000. _ s1>o1rrA·r1oN or rim ARMY AND rrs svrrnmsz For transporta- T"“"*’°"'“"°“· tion of the Army and its supplies, including transportation of the troops when moving either by land or water, and of their b age, including warrant officers, members of the Officers’ Reserveagirps, enlisted men of the Enlisted Reserve Cor s, and retired enlisted men when ordered to active duty, including tliie cost of packinfg and cratmg; for transportation of recruits and recruiting parties, o applicants for enlistment between recruiting stations and recruiting depots; for Tm", H travel allowance to officers and enlisted men on discharge; or pay- meumaioum. ment of travel allowance as provided in section 3 of the Act a proved V°"°°•l" 2*7 February 28, 1919, to enlisted men of the National Guard on their discharge from the service of the United States, and to members of the National Guard who have been mustered into the service of the United ,.;,,,;,,,,1,;,,,,,, 0m_ States, and discharged on account of ph sical disability; for payment wg of travel pay to ofiieers of the National guard on their discharge from ’ p` the service of the United States, as prescribed in the Act approved March 2, 1901; for travel allowance to discharged prisoners and per- _ sons discharged from the Govemment Hospit for the Insane after transfer thereto from such barracks or place to their homes (or elsewhere, as they may elect), provided the cost in each case shall not be greater than to the place of last enlistment; of the necessary agents _ _ and other employees, including per diem allowances in lieu of sub- P°’d‘°"”““““‘°"°°· sistence not exceeding $4 for those authorized to receive the per diem _ allowance; for payment of transportation costs for dependents of °°‘ officers and enlisted men as provided by law; of clothing and equipage 4***% P- 627- and other quartermaster stores from Army depots or places of pur-
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