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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/758

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730 SIXTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Srss. II. C11. 253. 1922. chase or delivery to the several posts and Army depots and from those depots to the troops in tgie 53;:1 ; of hgrse eciiipirnentépi of ordé nance and ordnance stores, an sm arms rom the oun es an P t to md armories to the arsenals, fortifications, frontier posts, and Army grsiigqjliiixmaas, ma depots; for ayment of wharfage, tolls, and ferriages; for transporta- °°“‘* “‘d°"· tion of fund; of the Army; for the pa ent of Army transportation lawfully due such land-grant railroadgm as have not received aid in Government bonds (to be adjusted in accordance with the decisions of the Supreme Court in cases decided under such land-grant Acts), Prmm but in no case shall more than 50 per centum of full amount of service compensation mms. be aid: Provided, That such compensation shall be computed upon thelbasis of the tariff or lower special rates for like transportation per- Fmv gg! ce t t gormeddiéop the piflblic at largp, and sl}_all be acpielpted as in fudll for till ,%,,,,1,,, ,,d,,,§,,d_ ° eman or suc service: ro·mdcd` urther, at in expen `ng e money appropriated by this Act a railroad com ankwhich has not received aid in bonds of the United States and w `ch obtained a grant of public land to aid in the construction of its railroad on conditions that such railroad should be a ost route and military road _ subject to the use of the United States i)or postal, military, naval, and other Government services, and also subject to such regulations as Congress may impose restricting the charge for such overnment transporpation, haviiég claims againpt the Ungteliluitates for tillanspori tation o troops an munitions o war an `tary su `es an property over such aided railroads, shall bqxpaid out of this moneys appropriated by the foregoing provisions o cy on the basis of such

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_ es a p p y as e re o e just and reasonable under the foregoing provigiian, such rate not to exceed 50 per ceaijfum cli; the comppnszition of such goverpigent transportation as sh at t at time e c ar e to an ai y private parties to any such company for like andg similar tra1§portation; and ml 8 mm M_ the amount so fixed to be lpaid shall be accepted as in full for all .,.;,,;.,.1 {QE. demands for such service: rmnlded further, That nothing in the prec;_2<l$1}pg(provisos shall be conlsrguepiuliio prevent thq acézountingupgiceg o e overnment rom ma a entto an — antr oa for transportation of ro rtygor pgrshiils where theghourts of the United States have helil tlhizt such propert or persons do not come Dm, and mk up within the scope of the deductions (provided for in the land—grant m¤a,»·e¤icxe§m. Acts; for the purchase and hire of raft and pack animals in such numbers as are actually required for the service, including reasonable provision for replacing unserviceable animals· for the purchase, hire, operation, maintenance, and repair of such harness, wagons, carts, drays, otheg qehiches, and horse-drawnfpassengencarryinglvehicles as are require or the transportation o troops and su `es and for Ships mm em official, military, and garrison purposes , for drayage ziiih cartage at ’ ’ the several depots; for the repair of ships, boats, and other vessels ·m,,,,,m,_ Hipred for ghe transportation oz troops and suppalgziand official, ary, an garrison urposes; or expenses o s u c trans- _ p ports and other vesselg on the various rivers, the Gil? of Mexico, m§”§§,§,C,{g{ mj-'¤°'$ and the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, $17,000,000z Provided, That not more than $10,000 of this appropriation shall be expended for _ _ the purchase of draft or pack animals or animal—drawn vehicles: ,,§f"°"“°'“°'°"”‘“°‘ Promdeddfurther, That no money appropriated by this Act shall be expende for the hire, oppration, maintenance, or repair of any motor—propelled vehicle w `ch shall be emplo ed wholly or in part for personal, social, or similar use, except suclyi use as is prescribed Emu but m_ by order for the transportation of Armylpersonnel in connection with pzoyw. the recreational activities of theArmy: rovided further, That $150,000 of the appropriation hereby made shall be available for additional pay for cmp oyees on harbor boats, quartermaster service, in lieu