SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. 741 ENGINEER OPERATIONS IN THE FIELD. mm opmuom. For expenses incident to military en eer operations in the Held, mIl“°m°°t°l °‘p°°”°°' including the purchase of material andgiin reserve of material for such o erations, the rental of storehouses within and outside of the District oi) Columbia, the purchase, 0 eration, maintenance, and repair of horse·drawn and motor·pro ellled passenger-carrying vehicles, and such expenses as are ordina1·Hy provided for under appro riations for “Engineer Depots," "Civilian assistants to engineer o&cers," and P _ "Mil1tary Surveys and Maps," $95,000: Provided, That when to the r>iI}°a{°'§°§e of cpams interest of the Government funds appropriated imder this head °“‘“°°°‘*°"’· may be used for the purchase of options on materials for use in Tampomy mma engineer operations in the Held: Promkledgurther, That so much ¢i¤¤ w¤rkf<>rtr¤i¤1¤s· of this appropriation as is necessary to provide facilities for Engineer training of troops may be expended for military construction work of a temporary character at carplps and cantonments and in training areas, for training purposes o y. CONTINGENGIES, ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Philippine Islands. For contingent ex enses incident to the operations of the Engineer c,§'§,*§“°°' °°“““g°”‘ Department in the ine Islands, to e expended at the discretion of the Secretary oIfIlVar, $2,500. MILITARY sunvnrs AND Mars. _ mlgkm Sumys md For the execution of topographic and other surveys, the securing ins. of mm, of such extra topogra hie data as may be , uired, and the preparation and printmg_ ol ma required for purposes, to be immediately available and!} remain available until December 31 mum. 1923, $25,000: Provided, That the Secret of War is authorized °mA§g_“°°"°° °’ °°'°` to secure the assistance, wherever practicdlilre, of the United States Geological Survey, the Coast and Geodetic Survey, or other ma ping agencies of the Government in this work and to allot funds illiere— for to them from this appropriation. SEACOAST DEFENsEs UNITED STATES u°°¤iére¤sa ’ umm saws. ’ For preparation of plans for fortifications and other works of de- “°°’·°‘°· fense, $10,000. For construction of gun and mortar batteries, $100,000. agi]; md m°rwb°° For the installation and replacement of electric light and power p,_I‘§,';"f,‘§,*§ °'°°"'° plants at seacoast fortifications in the United States, and the pur- ' chase and installation of searchlights for seacoast defenses in the United States, $270,000. g¤,w,u,_ For construction of seawalls and embanlcments, $8,000. p,,,,,,,,¤,,,,,,,,,_ For protection, preservation, and repair of fortifications for which there may be no special a propriation available, and of structures Submmne mm, ,1, for the submarine mine defiense of the United States and for main- fmtaining channels for access to submarine mine wharves, $250,000. Maimming umm For maintenance and repair of searchlights and electric light and plautactc. power equipment for seacoast fortifications, and for tools, e ectrical and other supplies, and appliances to be used in their operation, including the purchase of reserve lights, $110,000. Cmmucum exp,} For contingent expenses incident to the construction of seacoast m fortifications and their accessories, under the Engineer Department, $25,000. SEACOAST DE1=*ENsEs, LWSULAR P0ssEssIONs. I“"1""°“°“*°"‘ For preparation of plans for fortifications and other works of Hm’°m defense in the insular possessions, $6,000.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/769