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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/768

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740 SIXTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 253. 1922. I°¤¤¤,Bg}mgf¤i¤* ¤* orrrcn or crrmr or BUREAU or INBULAR Arrams. °*'m¤¤P°”*¤¤°“'* Salaries: Chief clerk, $2,250·' clerks—ten of class four, six of class three, nine of class two, twelve of class one, six at $1,000 each; three messengers at $840 each; laborer, $660; in all, $66,030. ¤¤s¤¤¤*°<¤’P¤- Cours or ENorNEEns. Engineer depots. ENGINEER DEPUPS. mum! °‘P°"’°“’ For incidental expenses for the depots, including fuel, lights, _ chemicals, stationery, hardware, machinery, pay of civilian clerks, mechanics, laborers, and other employees; for lumber and materials and for labor for packing and crating engineer supplies; repairs of, and for materials to repair, public buildings, machinery, an instruments, and for unforeseen expenses, $110,000. S¤=b¤¤l.D·¤- ENGINEER SCHOOL. E*`*"*P“‘“"‘· “‘“"’*‘* For ui ment and maintenance of the E eer School, inclu ` mm, m` urcha;2 agd repair of instruments, machinldgl? implements, models? boats, and materials for the use of the schoolyand to provide means for the theoretical and practical instruction of Engineer officers and troops in their special duties as sappers and miners; for land mining, pontoniering, and siigaling; for purchase and binding of scientific and professional wor , papers, and periodicals treating on military engineering and scientific suIl}jects· for textbooks and books of refer- I¤•>i¤¤¤¢¤¤ *¤1>¤¤¤¢=· ence for the library of the nited States E@eer School; for incidental expenses of the school, including chemicals, stationery, hardware, machinery, and boats; for pay of civilian clerks, draftsmen, electricians, mechanics, and laborers; for compensation of civilian mum amivnrusu- lect1u·ers and for payment of tuition fees of not to exceed fifty student '“‘“°'“* °‘°· officers at civil technical institutions in addition to the 2 per centum of commissioned officers authorized to attend technical, professional, V01.4l, p. 186. and other educational institutions as provided for in section 127a of the National Defense Act of June 3, 1916, as amended by the Act 0m'l`gr;f" °‘P°m°* °' of June 4, 1920; for unforeseen expenses; and for travel expenses of officers on journeys approved by the Secretary of War and made for Q{lF;’,°;,mimg___ the purpose of instruction: Provided, That the travelin expenses herein provided for shall be in lieu of mileage and other ssllowances; ,,m0dm,S_ and for other absolutel necessarg expenses: Provided further, That R.S-.w¤·$M8.i>·¤H. section 3648, Revised Sytatutes, s all not apply to subscriptions for foreign and professional newspapers and periodicals to be paid for from this appropriation, $35,000. E‘*“*P”'°°‘°“’°°P°- ENGINEER EDUIPMENT or moors. ,m§‘,;'§,'f,‘}‘“· "‘PP“”· For pontoon material, tools, instruments, supplies, and appliances required for use in the engineer equipment of troo , for military surveys, and for engineer operations in the field, inclldding the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of the necessary motor cycles; the purchase and reparation of engineer manuals and procurement of special paper fhr same, and for a reserve supply of above equipment, $7 5,000. C*‘“*“” "“'·°*‘*“’”· CIVILIAN assrsrams ro ENGINEER OFFICERS. S*m°°¤¤’¤¤mY¤¤, For services of surve ore, surve arties draftsmen ho a hers m` master laborers, clerks]: and otheii Employees to EHglI?60l‘ Cgl'S ori the staffs of division, corps, and department commanders, $40,000.