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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/774

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746 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. stationery, typewriters and adding machines, including their exchange, office furniture, tools, and instruments; for mcidental exnses; for civilian employees; for libraries of the Chemical Warfare gzrvice and subscriptions to periodicals which may be paid for in g“°',§§§:”§w_ ’°°°**‘* advance; for expenses incidental to the organization, training, and ' equipment of special gas troops not otherwise provided for, including the training of the Army in chemical warfare, both offensive and defensive, together with the necessary schools, tactical demon- °°"°°°°x°°°°°' strations, and maneuvers; for current expenses of chemical projectile filling plants and proving grounds, including construction and maintenance of rail transportation, repairs, alterations, accessories, building and repairing butts and targets, clearing and grading ranges, $600,000. &‘L}'•,j,_,;’,$u,_°§’.’_°§,$f orrrcrz or cnmr or crmmcar. warrmnn smzvicm. °"“'““*’°'°“‘“°““· Salaries: Clerks-—one of class four, one of class three, Eve of class two, five of class one; messenger, $840; in all, $17 ,240. ,,,T§,{';_f’“°° °‘ "“° Nxrrornr. Bonn ron Przomorrrorz or Rrrmm Pnacrrcm. °"*“““ "‘““"’“°" quanmnuasmn surrnms AND smzvrcns ron ru;r·r.m Rarmms ron CIVILTAN INSTRUCTION pu%m¤rm¤m¤gu.s::l$i To establish and maintain indoor and outdoor rifle ranges for the use of all able-bodied males ca able of bearing arms, un er reasonable regulations to be prescribed by the National Board for the Promotion of Rilie Practice and approved by the Secretary of War; for the employment of labor in connection with the establishment of I etc outdoor and indoor rifle ranges, including labor in operating targets; ’ for the employment of instructors; for clerical services; for badges and other insignia; for expenses incidental to instruction of citizens of the United States in marksmanship, and their participation in international matches, $20,000. ¤ig°i°°°l dm °°°` NATIONAL Trzorrrr AND MEDALS ron nrru: CONTESTS. ¤¤?fi?siim»&i»s?°;iiiZi§i For the purpose of furnish' ¢· a national trophy and medals and °‘°‘ other prizes to be provided anuiib contested for annuall , under such regulations as may be rescribed by the Secretary of (liar, said contest to be open to the Xrmy, Navy, Marine Corps, and the National Guard or Organized Militia of the several States, Territories, and of the District of Cohmrbia, members of rifle clubs, and civilians, and for the cost of the trophy, Hprizes, and medals herein rovided for, and for the éiromotion of ri e practice throughout the liinited States,

  • "°'“’*"”’°"““‘· including the reimbursement of necessary ex enses of members of

the National Board for the Promotion of Riiie Practice, to be expended for the pu oses hereinbefore prescribed, under the direction of the Secretary ofri',Var, $7,500. ,,,2,§f"‘““°° °‘*“'** onnmmcn rzqurruaxr ron mum assess ron CIVILIAN INSTRUCTION. p¤i¤!¤ig°L’i?Ei¢i:' For arms, ammunition, targets, and other accessories, for target practice for issue and sale in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the National Board for the Promotion of Rrile Practice and approved by the Secretary of War, in connection with the pnc01;ria6g)ement of riile practice, in pursuance of the provisions of aw, ,