six·rY-SEVENTH coiwennss. Sess. 11. cH. 253. 1922. 747 Cmnr or INFANTRY. mr·AN*rnY sonoor., FORT nrmmuc, ononcu. "`°" For theapurchase of textbooks, books of reference, scientific and I'“"'“°'*‘°“°"*’°"“°** profession papers; mstruments and material for instruction, employment of technical and spwecial services, including the services of one translator at the rate o $150 [Eff month, and or the necessary expenses of instruction at the antry School, Fort Benning, Georgia, $35,000. TANK smzvrcn. 'f¤¤kS*°*°°· For payout of the necessaré civilian employees to assist in CMM" °'°pl°y°°°‘ handling e clerical work m the office of the tank center, tank schools, and the various tank organization headquarters; and for the payment of the necessary mechanics to assist in repairing and preserving tanks in the hands o tank units, $26,500. _ _ Incidental expenses in connection with the operation of the tank T°¤k°°h°°*¤· schools, $3,700. Cnmr or Cavaurr. cavxuzr scnoor., FORT runny, xxrzsas. Rgg;¤1*g£fhM· FM For the purchase of textbooks, books of reference, scientificand I¤¤¤'“°“°¤ °¤P°¤¤°¤· professions papers, instruments, and materials for instruction; employment of temporary, technical, or special services; and for other necessary expenses of instruction at the Cavalry School, Fort Riley, Kansas, $15,000; · ` `K V, Omimr or F11·:x.n`A;a·r1r,r.nnr. Fmm Anrrnnnnr scrroons. Scllgglgri Artillery For the purchase of textbooks, books of reference, scientific and I.-,,I,E‘,“§',§‘,°‘}§’{,‘,§$*’,§',,_*{‘3“,; professiona papers, instruments, and materiel for instruction; em- §¤¤¤. §vé md Camp ployment of temporary, technical, or special services, including the mg' ` services of one translator at the rate of $15%,per month; and for other necessa:-ly exppnses of instruction, at the reld Artillery Schools at Fort S` , O ahoma, Camp Knox, Kentucky, and Camp Bragg, North Carolina, $24,640. INSTRUCTION IN rmw ARTILLERY acrrvrmzzs. m§¤*d mmf! M'- To provide means for the theoretical and practical instruction in '>**· Field Artillery activities at the three brigade 'd.r1.r(1g centers at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, Camp Bragg, North Carolma, and amp Knox, Kentucky by the purchase of modern instruments and material for theoretical and practical instruction, for the trntion of officers detailed as students at civil educational institutions, and for other necessary expenses, to be allotted in such proportion as may, m the opinion of the Secretary of War, be for the best interests of the service, $4,577. Cnmr or Coasr Amunnnr. ooasr Anrrnnnnr scr-root., roar Mormon, vmenua. %,Y,$f"F,,$'§}],{,§', 8. _ For incidental expenses of the school, including chemicals, sta- l°—"*'“°°*°°°‘P°“°°* tronery, prinf and bindipg; hardware; materials; cost of special instruction of liigcers detail as instructors; employment of tempotary, technical, or special services; for office furniture and fixtures, machinery, motor trucks, and unforseen expenses, $11,900.
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