750 SIXTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. "An Act for makingi further and more effectual provision for the V¤1·41 1>·780- __ national defense, an for other urposes," approved June 3, 1916, a.Ii°uii$i§i”g°° wm" as amended by the Act approved,J1me 4, 1920. This issue shall be P*"°”“°`·°° “°‘“d°‘*· made without chairge gg-asinst militia applriopriatggaisi N onehof th? fxmds appropriate m paragra s e u or purc ase o arms, Fiiild Krtillery, Engineer or Si)gnal matériel, public animals, or _ chevrons. mglgtgdltgtg-:3I1‘ltS.01 'I`he mounted, motorized air, and tank imits of the National Guard shall be so reduced that the appropriations made in this Act shall cover the entire cost of maintenance of such imits for the National Guard during the fiscal year 1923. o.l{,‘°Q}°éi.,1i.`€T““’ w" Mums Bmzmu, Wan Daranrumrr. °"m‘“"°”°““°““‘ Salaries: Chief clerk, $2,000; clerks—three of class four four of class three nine of class two, twenty-one of class one, fifteen at $1,000 each; messenger, $840; two assistant messengers, at $720 each; two laborers, at $660 each; in all, $70,200. ““‘“" ·'*°“""’· Uurmn Srrxms Mnirramr Acanmn.
- "" PAY or unrrazar Acanmn.
P'°'°“"“*°"* Permanent Establishment: For seven professors, $27,000; chaplain, .t $2,400; master of the sword, $3,500; constructing quartermasfcr, in I‘°°‘°“ y` addition to his reglxlar pay, $1,000; additional pay of professors and m'§;f’°”°°°°° ““°“" oiiigers for len? of service, $,345; subsistence allowance of pro essors and 0 cers $4 599· in $49 844. Sigia en For one thousand huridred cadets, $1,014,000. kwiemymbaiia. Military Academy Band: Master sergeant; fifteen staff serggants; fifteen rivates, first class; twentjy privates; specialists- teen, secolpd class, twenty, third class; ad `tional pay for length of service; in a , $39,882. F*°*°'°"“*°*°”’- Field Musicians: Staff sergeant; two corporals; seven privates,
class; tweigty-pne tphrivfates; twenty-Eight specialists, sixth class;
_ a tion ay or eng 0 service· in $13 450. S°""‘°° d°°"°*““°"‘· Service lgetachmentz First se1·¤eant;fort -seyen se eants; twent _ s Y *8 Y corporals; fiftygffve pr;_vates, fiilrsté class; og? huxgdredhanil fifty-th]ree rivates; speci ists— orty, t ir cass ty ourt cass, eig ty gfth class; additional pay for length of service; in all, $156,648. ’ °“"“"" "°"°“"‘““‘· Cavalry Detachment: First sergeant; fourteen sergeants; sixteen corporals; sixty-five privates, first class; one hundred and twenty- four privates; spec1al1sts—~ten, fourth class, thirteen, fifth class, two, _ sixth class; additional pay for length of service; in all, $99,039. mQ,,§f‘H°" "°“"h' Artillery Detachment: First sergeant; twenty-three sergeants; twenty-one corporals; seventyjfive privates, first class; one hundred and eiggteen privates; specialists-—·eight, fourth class, fifteen, fifth class, ee, sixth class; additional pay for qualification in gunnery; d additional pg for length of service; in all, $105,543. ,,,§,,'§Fi“°°' ”"‘°"° Engineer etachment: First sergeant; three staff sergeants; nine sergeants; twelve corporals; thirty-nme pxivates, first class; fifty-two pnvates; special1sts—two, third class, thee, fourth class, two, sixth class; additionial pay {lor lengatgi of selrvice; additional pay for qualifi-
ca ion in mar smans · in , $53, 33.
mZ§§’}“1C°“°° d°t“°` Signal Corps Detachment: Master sergeant; technical sergeant; staff sergeant; two sergeants; two corporals· three privates, first class; two pr1vates;_ specialist, fifth class (chaudeur); additional pay for com mmm dg lengt of service; in all, $8,127. _ mmm. east Artillery Detachment: First se cant; master se eant· . rg rg D technical sergeant; staff sergeant; five sergeants; twenty-one privates,