SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. 749 snAcoAs·r DEFENSES, PANAMA oANAL. Y¤—¤¤¤¤=·C¤¤=¤1 For alteration, maintenance, and repair of submarine mine materiel, p,§B‘;bm¤F*¤°mi¤°*“1* $5,000. ‘ orrrcn or cnrnr or COAST ARTILLERY. Come of Chief ¤Y oast Artillery. Salaries: Chief clerk, $2,000; clerks—one of class four, two of class Cwi¤¤¤v¢=S<>¤¤¤*i¤· three, three of class two, four of class one, two at $1,000 each; messenger, $720; m all, $18,720. M1r.rr1A BUREAU. Mums B¤r¤¤¤- ARMING, EQUIPPING, AND TRAINING mn NATIONAL GUARD. N°°‘°“°lG"“’d· For procurement of forage, bedding, and so forth} for animals, m§`,g¤*€° °”°·· *°'“¤*· $1,400,000. ` For compensation of help for care of materiel, animals, and equip- etf*“° °' °‘1“*Pm°¤*· ment, $1,200,000. ` For expenses, camps of instruction, $8,100,000. I¤$**’¤°°i°¤ MPS- For expenses, selected officers and enlisted men, military service S°*'Yi°*> S°h°°‘S i¤· ¤¤h<><>1¤»$250»<>°°· “T?5§;§;'§g A For pay of property and disbursing officers for the United States, ms. y' " $60,000. . n . _ For general expenses, equipment and instruction, National Guard, sriiiiiigiligiiiidseg m $850,000. I For travel of officers and noncommissioned officers of the Regular ,,,,3;“"°‘* A””"‘ °m‘ Army in connection with the National Guard, $300,000. Fcgxiepair of Federal property issued to the National Guard, P'°P°""'°"°i'°‘ $20, . ~ - A . ` For transportation of equipment and supplies, $375,000. plies. I 8 mp For ergpenses, sergeant-instructors, $250,000. S<¤s¤=¤¢i¤S¢¤1¤¢¤¤- For 0 ce rent, and so forth, instructors, $10,000. _ For pay of National Guard (armory drills), $11,000,000. ‘°""‘°""l"H’*’°" Arms, Umrorms, EQUIPMENT, AND so Forrrn, Fon Fmm snnvrcn, F‘°‘ds°"i°°· NATIONAL GUARD. To procure b purchase or manufacture and issue from time to P“‘°h”° °',“”“l“' time to the National Guard upon requisition of the governors of the several States and Territories, or the commanding general, National g¤v$Pli$rSi,`$i.¢. Guard of the District of Columbia_, such number of United States service arms with all accessories, Field Artillery and Coast Artillery materiel, Engineer, Signal, and sanitary materiel, accouterments, Held uniforms, clothing, equipage, publications, and military stores of all kinds, and a reserve supp y of such arms, materiel, accouterments, Held uniforms, clothing, equipage, and mihtary stores of all kinds, as are necessary to arm, uniform, and equip for Held service the National Guard of the several States, Territories, and the District P,.,,,,,_,,,_,_ of Columbia, $2,000,000: Provided, That members of the National ,°£¤?_p·np:g_f$:?§¤ Guard who have or shall become entitled for a contmuous period of p,,,,,,_w_ ' less than one month to Federal pay at the rates Hxed for the Regular Army, whether by virtue of a call by the President, of attendance at school or maneuver, or of any other cause, and whose accounts have not yet been settled, shall receive such pag for each day of such period; and the thirty-first day of a calen ar month shall not be C,0,h,¤w,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Gxcluded from the computation: Provided further, That the Secretary itc., from surplus of War is hereby directed to issue from surplus or reserve stores and "°ys°°”°s` materiel now on hand and purchased for the United States Army such articles of clothing and equipment and Field Artillery, Engineer, ¤.nd_Signal materiel and ammunition as may be needed by_ the Natronal Guard organized under the provisions of the Act entitled "'°*·3°»P·“"’·
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/777