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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/780

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752 SIXTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. 'f¤*¤¤P°¤¤¤**°¤- For transportation of materials, cadets, discharged cadets, and so _ forth, $15,000. P"““”‘· °°°‘ Printing and binding, and so forth, $3,000. _

§{,§]§‘§Z For department of Cavalry, Artillery, and Infantry tactics: Tan

f¤¤¤¤r¤¤¢¢i¤¤· bm-]; or- other proper covering for riding_hall, to be purchased in open market upon written order of the superintendent, $1,500. For camp stools, office furniture, and so forth, $4,000. For gymnasium and athletic supplies, and so forth, $7,500. ger the mainteriznicie 0€)0!§.i autorgobilp, $$100. or repairs tos es ri es, an so ort , $500. _ For the urchase of carbons and for repairs and mamtenance of se , an , . arc htsp d soforth $250 Foi|1£e purchase of stationliafy and office supplies for the office of senior instructor of oast Arf ery tactics, $75. For the purchase of machines, tools, textbooks, and material for the practical instruction of cadets in the maintenance, repair, and operation of all classes of motor transportation and automobile or internal combustion engines, $1,000. · For repair o mattresses, machines, and so forth, in gymnasium of miiaky m°ii1iS'$1iiir0&1 41 r an (iing ian ormateri or es,an so o ,ri ,$600. page camp mms For general maintenance and repairs to the site of the cadet camp, “ $10,000. For repair of obstacles on mounted drill ground, and for constructi.n§_other obstacles, and so forth, $100. C ezfrghe pprchase of thread, wax, needles, and so forth, in the av sta es, $200. 1 For thi purchase of thread, wax, needles, and so forth, in the Artilery sta es, $200. ger rgiiterial for preserving floors, and so forth, Artillery barracks an sta es, $150. hlipr the purchase of tools, machines, and so forth, Artillery gun s e , $500. For repair griéénplttresies, mréhines, and so forth, in drill hall and gymnasium o f e arrac , $100. For tillre pmchaiselxlotlfgiiew and upilgeep of worn-out rubber matting in squa rooms o ery arrac , $150. For purchase of stationery and office furniture in office of senior assistant instructor of Field Artillery tactics, $100. ger rilipterial for preserving iioors, and so forth, Cavalry barracks an sta es, $100. For repair pfimattressgs, malcishines, and so forth, in drill hall and _ gymnasium 0 ngineer arrac , $100. ,§§$°$°f‘}’§} ,,,,,,'§‘,§f,§' _ For department of civil and military engineering: Textbooks, stad¤P°’°¤°¤*S· tronery, and so forth, $,1200. bogrg department of naturail and experimental philosophy: Text- , apparatus, and so fort , $3 500. - _ For department of instructioniin mathematics: Textbooks, stationery, and so forth, $1,250. For department of chemistry, mineralogy, and geology, $2,500. $2%%% department of drawing: Drawing materials, and so forth, lkégridepmment of modern languages: Stationery, and so forth, S , 0. For department of law: Books, stationery, and so forth, $2,000. For department of ractical military engineering: Models, books, stationery, and so forth, $4,500. MFE; depiartr1irren1i1o§2oi·d{)1ance and gunnery: Models, instruments, o ,a.n so ort, ,5. _ For the purchase of machines, tools, and so forth, for practical instruction of cadets in wood and metal working, $500.