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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/781

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SIXTY·SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. 753 For department of military hy iene, $500. For department of English andiistory: For purchase of stationery, books, and so forth, $1,000. For department of economics and government and political historiy: Purchase of textbooks, stationery, and so forth, $1,000. or a course of lectures for the more complete instruction of cadets, I‘°°°“'°°‘ $1,200. For the maintenance of one automobile truck, $300. In all, current and ordinary expenses, $219,475. _ Mrscmnannous rrnms Arm rncrnrxrwrar nxrnxsnsz For com- ¥f,§,°@‘?§‘f,S,,,,,,,_ mercial periodicals, stationery, and so forth, for the office of the treasurer United States Military Academy, $300. mmm mmm For gas coal, oil, candles, and so forth, for operating the gas ew. g’ P g' plant, $18,000. For water pipe, lumbing, and repairs, $8,000. For material and labor for cleaning and policing public buildings, $6,620. For supplies for recitation rooms not otherwise provided for and for renewing and repairing furniture in same, $1,000. Libmy Increase and expense of library, $7,200. Awdmgic hom For contingent funds, to be expended imder the direction of the ` academic board: For instruments, books, repairs to apparatus, and ,.,,,,,,_,,,_ other incidental ex enses not otherwise rovided for, $500: Provided, Purchases That all technicalpand scientific supplies for the departments of instruction of the Military Academ s all be purchase by contract or otherwise, as the Secretary of Vgar may deem best. Band Bxpensw thFg)r tge purchase and repair of instruments and maintenance of e an , $1,500. _ For the repairaand urchase of cooking utermils, chairs, and so ,,tg°d°°m°Ss’"t°”s‘1S’ forth, cadet mess, may be expended without advertising, to be immediately available, $3,000. ‘ _ _ For the policing of barracks and bathhouses, $25,000. P°1"’“‘g‘ For supp yin light and plain furniture to cadets' barracks, $10,000. m,9,§‘§2{‘g§,,l?°"°°kS· °°°·· For the purchase and re air of cocoa matting for the aisleways in the stables of the riding h5, $300. Chim Ns h I For maintaining the children’s school, and so forth, $6,500. me jot i;;°S' F or apurchase and repair of fire—extinguishing apparatus, $1,000. P Bcl ' In , miscellaneous items and incidental expenses, $88,920. Baum d ds Bmmmcs AND onourvnsz For cases, materials, and so forth, gsm gmn ` ordnance museum in headquarters building, $1,500. Omg For repairs to ordnance laboratory and other buildings pertaining se-. °°° m°s°°m’ to department of ordnance and gunnery, $150. For general repairs to cadet larmdry building, and so forth, to be expended without advertising, $400. or general incidental repairs and improvements to the cadet store building, including storerooms, office, tailor shops, and shoe-repairiniwshops, $1,000. _ or materials and labor for repairs, and so forth, S0l(l18I'S, hospital, $165. _ For repair and rapkeep of quarters of the staff sergeant, Medical Degzartment, at sol ers' hospital, $50. w,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,_ or water works, $3,000. _ _ w,,uS,,,,,,d,,,,,,_ For the repair and restoration of retaining walls along the line of the Poplopen pipe line, $3,000. _ For carrying on the development of the general plan for improvements to roads and grounds, $3,000. _ _ careussprar. For repairs and necessary alterations additions to the cadet hesdpital, as follows: For- materials for radiators, prpmg, furniture, an so forth, $120. _ For purchase of flowers and shmbs for hospital grounds, $100. For repairing the cadet exchange, $1,000. n -12150**-23--48