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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/782

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754 SIXTY·SEVENTH GONGRESS. Sess. 11. GH. 253. 1922. B,Q°°°‘ mm- '°P°*”· For necessar repairs and replacements in steam-heating system and line in cadvet mess, which may be expended without advertising}, $1,300. or repairs to the cadet mess building which may be expended without advertising and to be immediatey available, $1,000. Mm ”°°“· For repairs and improvements to the West Point Army mess building, including supplying and renewing furniture and fittings, $2,500. P°"'°'P*°“‘· Altering coal unkers in power plant, $10,000. For repair and maintenance of the cadet boathouse and the purclgigse and maintenance of boats and canoes for the instruction of c ets in r0Wmg` $750. For the repair and upkeep of quarters of the master sergeant, Medical Department, at the cadet hospital, $50. p,§,‘§°* l’°“`°°*°· ’°* $1ig?)I63‘Bp&1.I'S to the cadet barracks, to be immediately available, °°’“"°”'*°°°‘ For and improving grounds of post cemete , $2,000. For continuing the construction of breast—high wall inldangerous places, $1,000. Reims to wm For broken stone and gravel for roads, $10,000. hm For repairs of boilers, engines, dynamos, motors, and so forth, cadet mess, which may be expended without advertising, to be immediately available, $3,350. W an W For the repair and improvement of cadet polo field, $600. °‘°'p'°° ‘·° · For waterpro0 post headquarters, bachelor, gymnasium, ml?1`o(i·tll:cr largil bud` te i $270%)- ad t h l $250 arean mam nanceooraninc ecae, .. c0IIs§·1£)1gene]ral rgpggs to the buildings of the Coagt Artillery firesys em, . $5ggr material and labor for repair of Field Artillery target range, F or repair and upkeep of stable numbered four, and corral, for purchase of paint, nails, and so forth, $300. $***1 ’“’“‘¤°'· For erection of steel h ar now on hand $1 500. Anny su lus ma» ang ’ ’ ansi. eva, ilimssenea The Secretary of War is hereby directed to turn over to the United g§f,;‘§;§,§,,,$,§f’g{§°· '°' States hiI)i|itaryuAl§adcmdy without gxpetripe all inch sirrpliusinmlsgerial as may e ava a e an necessary or e cons ruct ' ; Proxim also surplus tools and matériel reguired for use in thieniiistructidiigdf 1.ems_£»r¤t¢.»mm cadets at the academy: Provide , That the constructing uarter-

‘_S"'“°“°" °“‘P‘°Y· master, United States Military Academy, is hereby exemptediirom all

lii)wsx;>.ndtregulaf10ns relaglve to errligloymept apid to granting leaves ol; ` _ _ a se ce o_empo eeswi payw eemploye on constr t Ouiggggggggze Wh- at_ the Military Avcademy: Provided further, That the fiilridboraigipiiioprrated herein for the United States Military Academy may be expended without advertising when in the opinion of the responsible constructing officer and the superintendent it is more economical and advantageous to the Government to dispense with advertising. In all, buildings and grounds, $65,6852 _ In all, ‘Maintenance, United States Mihtary Academy/’ $379,080. Wmmcivmm _ In all, Military Academy, $2,059,629. pigyagwtbto .,¥.;,":§ No part of the moneys appropriated in this Act shall be used for {,‘?,d‘j§.,§°,,j§S_ Y P'"°’° paying to any civilian employee of the United States Government an avpraggdaélyalwafge or salary léirger tht? thalt customarily paid by .8 priva em xvi u s or corres n ingwor int esame loc it . gtiigiailri da ,l° iL°Qm3i All_mater1al purchased undiii the provisions of this Act ghall be of “°E§;§,,,,,,,,_ American manufacture,_ except in cases when, in the {judgment of §l;etSe<;retaryi{ of Weir, it rsbto tihe rglarlrifest intiresfag the United aes omaepur , t b d 't mm on P free of duty c ases a roa w c ma erxa s e a m1 ted gL=ui&g:rS<ir¤¤¤¤¤¤ Except as expressly otherwise authorized herein, no part of the sums appropriated by this Act for military purposes shall be expended