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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/10

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_ _ _ _ _ P e. Inteigggronal Samtary Convention. Signed at Pans, January 17 , 1912; proclaimed, December 11, as --······----·· · ·--. - ..-··- - -.. . . .. . 1823 Parcel post convention with Spam' . Si ed at Madrid, February 4, 1921, at Wash' ton, March 1, 1921; approved by the President, §;,r(;h 3, 1921 __ _ ___,,___________ _ ____,__ {Il? ,,,__ _ ,_ __ , _ 1909 Genciréglpeace treaty with Venezuela. Signed at Caracas, March 21, 1914; proclaimed, March 21, . ., . 1920 Clairpgggreement with Norway. Signed at Washington, June 30, 1921; proclaimed, August 24, . .. 1925 Treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation with Siam. Signed at Washington, December 16, 1920; proclaimed, October 12, 1921 . . .. 1928 Arbrgrlatjigglagreement with Portugal. Signed at Lisbon, September 14, 1920; proclaimed, October , . 1937 Treagrzpf peace with Germany. Signed at Berlin, August 25, 1921; proclaimed, November 14, 1 39

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Treaty of peace with Austria. Signed at Vienna, August 24, 1921; proclaimed, November 17, 1921 . 1946 Treagif peace with Hungary. Signed at Budapest, August 29, 921; proclaimed, December 20, 1 . . . 951 Treat with China establ1sh1n' g duties on imports. Signed at Washington, October 20, 1920; rochimed, November 7, 1921 ... . . 1955 Universal Postal Union convention. Signed at Madrid, Spain, November 30, 1920; approved by the President, January 23 1922 ... 1971 Parcel post convention with Signed at Bangkok, October 15, 1921, at Washington, February 24, 1922; approved by the Pres1dent,_February 28, 1922 2107 Parcel post convention with Indo-China. Signed at Hanoi, November 8, 1921, at Washington, Fe ruary 24, 1922; appmvedtlg the President, Feb 28, 1922 . _ .. 2114 Treagkzlith Colombia for the se ement of at Bogota, April 6, 1914; pro- ‘ ed, March ao, 1922 , ..,. 2122 Convention with Paraguay respecting travehng salesmen. Signed at Washington, October 20, 1919; proclaimed, April 28, 1922. 2128 Parcel post convention with Sweden. Signed at Stockholm, March 24, 1922, at Washington, April 17, 1922; approved by the President, May 1 1922 2132 Spanish—American postal convention. Signed at Madrid, November 13, 1920; approved by the President, May 8, 1922 .. . I .. 2141 Supplementary property convention with Great Britain providing for accemion by Canada. Signed at Washington, October 21, 1921; proclaimed, June 19, 1922 . 2147 Convention with Japan regarding mandated islands in the Pacific north of the Equator. Signed at Washingpm, ebruary 11, 1922; proclaimed, July 13, 1922 2149 Pan American ostal Union convention. Signed at Buenos Aires, September 15, 1921; approved by the Prmident February 28, 1922 . . 2154 Pan American parcel post convention. Signed at Buenos Aires, September 15, 1921; approved by the President, ebruary 28, 1922 .. 2174 Parce post convention with Straits Settlements. Signed at Washington, February 24, 1922, at Singapore, April_12, 1922; approved lg the President May 24, 192 ... . . 2183 Parcel post convention with Denmark. igned at Copenhagen, April 28, 1922, at Washington, June 8, 1922; approved by the President, June 12, 922. ... . . .. 2189 Claim? agreement with Geauga};. at;dBer1§nhAv.rgust 10b1$;2)22é.. .{w-.., . -K . kh. 2200 Parce convention wi . ign at o a, ugust , , a ashmgton, ugust , 19g:rpproved by the President, August 31, 1922 ._ . . ... 1 .. 2205 Parcel post convention with Finland. Signed at Helsmgfors, January 12, 1922, at Washington, July 21, 1922; approved by the President, July 26, 1922 ... 2215 Supplementary extradition convention with Great Britain. Signed at London, May 15, 1922; proclaimed, October 24, 1922 . .. z 2222 Postal convention with Canada. Signed at Ottawa, December 20, 1922, at Washmgton, December 22, 1922; approved by the President, December 22, 1922 . ... 2226 xm