LIST OF CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS. . . . . ‘ Pm For ]omt ureeting of the two Houses. Apnl 12, 1921 ...,,,,,,,_,___,_,,,____ _ _________ 1307 Creating Jomt Agricultural In<}u.iry Commission. June 7, 1921 _ __,,..,.., , __,,,_______ 1307 Orderingyest pocket edition o_ Congressional Directory. June 24, 1921 _ , ,,,_._.,,____,_______ _ 1808 Authonzing appointment of Jomt Committee to attend funeral of overseas soldiers. July 6, 1921 . . 1808
ordered of additional copies of Tariff Bil] as a. House document. July 11, 1921 . 1808
Correcting title of bill relating tq certificates of Philippine Islands Government. July 18, 1921 ,,.. 1808 Extending tune for report by J 01nt Committee on Agricultural Inquiry. August 4, 1921 . .. . 1809 Printing ordered of additional copies of Tariff Bill as a. Senate document. August 17, 1921 . . . 1809 For recess, from August 24 to September 21, 1921. August 24, 1921 ...,.. , ..,,., 1809 Printing ordered of additional copies of Revenue Bill, 921. September 28, 1921 ..,. 1809 Aut.honzu1%joint special commttee investigating pay, etc., of Army, Navy, etc., to sit at any time. ovember 1, 1921 . . . . . . .. 1810 Autl§orizi§g placing of Horal wreath on ceisson of unknown soldier in the Rotunda. November , 9 ..-...·.-·... . ·-·.. . ... . . 1810 For adjournment of Congress. November 23, 1921 ... . ., . .,,.., 1810 For joint meeting of the two Houses. December 5, 1921 - . ,,, , ,,.. 1811 Printing ordered of additional copies of revenue law of 1921. December 12, 1921 . .. 1811 Extending time for report by Joint Commission on Agricultural Inquiry. December 14, 1921 1811 Correcting enrollment of first deficiency Act of 1922. December 14, 1921 .,... , . , 1811
ordered of Senate hearings on Tariff Bill. December 20, 1921- 1812
For hohday recess. December 21, 1921 .. . . . .. 1812 Printing ordered of additional copxes of parts 1 and 2, Report of Joint Commission on Agricultural Inquiry. January 10, 1922 ... 1812 Printing ordered of Report of Intematloua.1 Joint Commimion on Improvement of Saint Lawrence River. February 9, 1922. . ._ .. . . 1812 Accepting statue of General E. K1rby Smith from Florida. February 28, 1922. .. 1813 For joint meeting of the two Houses. February 28, 1922. . . ... 1813 Correcting enrollment of bill relating to inscriptions on memorials. March 2, 1922 . . 1813 Appointing oint committee to attend funeral of overseas soldiers. March 21 , 1922 . . 1813 Printing or ered of additional copies of Tariff Bill as 2. Senate document. April 20, 1922 1814 Authonzing placing of floral wreath u Il Grant Memorial at Apu] 20, 1922 . . 1814 Printing 0 ered of Report oigfecial `on to Philippine Islands. une 2, 1922 ... 1814 Printing ordered of additio copies of Report on Improvement of Saint Lawrence River. June 29, 1922 ... . . . .. 1814 Printing ordered of additional copies of parts 3 and 4, Joint Gommisswn on Agricultural Inquiry. June 29, 1922 1815 Printing ordered of Journal of Grand Army Encampment, 1922. June 30, 1922 .. 1815 For joint meeting of the two Houses. August 18 1922 . 1815 Printing ordered of additional copies of T2.riH Bill. August 23 1922 . . . 1815 Printing ordered of additional copies of "F1oods and Levees of tlxe Missxssippi R.iver." August 25, 1815 1922 . ... Authorizing contract for removal of vermin in Capitol buildings. September 12, 1922. .. 1815 Correcting enrollment of Tariff Bill. September 19, 1922 .. . 1816 Correcting enrollment of Tariff Bill. September 20, 1922 . . ... . ... 1816 Printing ordered of copies of Tarii Act of 1922. September 20, 1922 1816 For adjournment of Congress. September 22, 1922 . . .. 1816 For joint meeting of the two Houses. November 21, 1922. .. . . 1817 For adjournment, of C0ngr£. December 4, 1922 ... . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 1817 For joint meeting of the two Houses. December 8, 1922 ... 1818 Appointing joint committee to attend arrival of overseas troops at Savannah, Gs. February 5, 1923. 1818 For joint meeting of the two Houses. _F6b!'\18l;Y 7, 1923- . ...·-..-... . .. 1818 Requggging return from President of bxll deiining crop failure, etc. February 12, 1923. .. 1818 Mtg Djstrict. of Columbia agpropriation bill. February 15, 1923 . 1819 Rgg gm;, gm., ordered of 1]] relating to C1'0 fA1ll11'€. February 16, 1923. . 1819 Authorizing placing of Hom.] wreath at base of Wasgington Monument, February 22, 1923. February 1819 20, 1923 . . ··--··-- - -·-·----··--~--· ; ·-··-·-···------·-----·--·--·····-·-· Ccrregting enrollment of War Department 8ppl‘0p1’l2»ti0I1 bill. Febmhfy 21, 1923 ··-... . . ..-· 1819 Creating joint committee to investigate, etc., exruanloymeut for Fedemlprlsoners. _ March 2, 1923. . 1820 Printing ordered of Appendix to Attorney Gene ’s report relative to dmcrders during 1922. March 1820 3, 1923 .. . ..----·-.---»----·--·-·-·· - -··· · ·----·-----·----—--··-· Correcting enrollment of Third Deficiency Bill, 1923. March 3, 1923 ··-..··-----..··--···--- 1820 n