PRIVATE LAWS OF THE SIXTYSEVENTH CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES Passed at the first session, which was begun and held at the city of Washington, in the District 3; Columbia, on Monday, the e eventh day o{]April, 1921, and was adjourned without y on Wednesday, the twenty-third day of ooember, 1921. WARREN G. HAEDING, President; CALVIN C0oLmeE, Vice President; ALBEB:T B. CUMMINS, President of the Senate pro tempore; CHARLES CURTIS, Acting President of the Senate 0 tempore, July 7, 8, and 22, Aufgust 5, 11, 22 to 24, September 23, 1921; IRVINE LENROUT, Acting President 0 the Senate pro temgzore, August 9 and 16, 1921; JAMES W. WADSWORTH, jr., Acting President of the enate pro tempore, August 10, 1921; REED SMOOT, Acting President of the Senate pro tempore, August 15, 1921; CHARLES L. McNARr, Acting President of the_Senatefpro tempore, August 19 and 20, 1921; FRANK B. BRANDEGEE, Acting President 0 the Senate pro tempore, September 24, 1921; FREDERICK H. GILLETT, Speaker of the House of Representatives; H0RAcE M. T0wNER, Speaker of the House of Representatives o tempore, May 25, July 1 and 2, 1921; JOSEPH WALSH, Speaker of the House of grepresentatives pro tempore, June 20 to 22, October 28 to 31, November 19 and 23, 1921. cnr. so.-Au Act cenremq `urisdiction u the United same mma A ° ‘“m· Court for the Eastern District of South Carolina to mr and determine the claim of the owners of the Danish steamship Flynderborg against the United States, and for ’ other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United N H States of America in Congress assembled, Thaiihhe Dampskibsselskabet ;Sh§:§,"§,°s§,b§T$ ’D°°' Dannebrog, of Copenh en, Kingdom of Denmark, the owners of the wg'°;§§';°H§;§_§.,§dFj-Q Danish steamship Flyhilerborg, are hereby authorized to bring suit tems redemleuun. in personam against the United States, within one year after this Act becomes law, to recover damng)es for any injury to such steamship Flynderborg which may have een caused b the United States Steamship Prometheus, of the United States Nhvy, in a collision which took place between the United States steamship Prometheus and the steamshi Flynderborg on December 4 1919, in Charleston Harbor, South Cparolina, eastern district of South Carolina, and jurisdiction in admiralty is hereby conferred upon the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of South Carolina to hear, consider, and determine such suit upon the princiqlis of liabilit and in accordance with the practice obtaining in e suits in aihniralty between rivate parties and to enter a decree or judgment for or against the United States or such Dampskibsselskabet Damnebrog, including costs. Sec. 2. That the suit herein authorized shall be broulght and rose- 5;,5, v,,;_ cuted in accordance with the proVisions of the Act entitled "An got to 3*% P- mdpfovidc for the bringing of suits against the Government of the nited States," approved March 3, 1887, as amended, in so far as such provisions are applicable thereto, unless otherwise rovided herein. The right of appeal and review shall be aifordedp as now provided bylaw in like suits in admiralty between private parties. Approval, August 9, 1921. 1565
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