1566 SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 69, 79,95. 1921. A¤i¤¤¢ 16» 1921- CHAP. 89.———An Act For the relief of the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Mary-
imd, Bsmmm, Mayimsc.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House eg" Representatives of the United c¤F,,,*‘*°",,,j ,‘g’g“,;’,§’,?,§§,“,§‘ States of America in Congress assemble , That the Secretary of the Redemption vi 1¤¤€ Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and d1rected to redeem, °:gif°°‘°°°‘md°b°°d` after the 15th day of July, anno Domini 1921, United States Treasury Department 5% per centum coupon certificates of indebtedness, series B-1921, dated July 15, 1920, and due January 15, 1921, numbered thirty-two hundred and ninety-eight and tlurty-two hundred and ninety-nine, of the denommation of $5,000 each, with interest from July 15, 1920, to the date of maturgty of said certificates of indebtedness, January 15, 1921, and also to r eem, after the 15th day of September, anno Domini 1921, United States Treasury Department 5% per centum coupon certificates of indebtedness, series TM2—1921, dated July 15, 1920, and due March 15, 1921 numbered twenty-two hundred and sixteen and twenty-two hundred and seventeen, of the denomination of $5,000 each, with interest from July 15, 1920 to the date of maturit of said certificates of indebtedness, March 15, 1921, in favor of tliye Fidelity and Deposit Com any of Maryland, without presentatwn of said certificates, the F ccrtigcates of indebtedness having been lost, stolen, or destroyed: me pmiieunypsia. Provided, That the said certificates of indebtedness shall not have been reviously presented for payment: Provided further That the .,,I‘§§',,‘f"“"’°“"’ "° said lgidelity an De osit Company of Maryland shall first file in P . ` the Treasury Department bonds, each m the penal sum of double the amount of the princgpal and interest of said certificates of indebtedness of the Treasury epartment of the United States of America, in such form and with such sureties as may be acceptable to the Secretary of the Treasury to indemnify and save harmless the United States from any loss on account of the lost stolen, or destroyed certificates of indebtedness hereinbefore described. Approved, August 16, 1921. A zum.
CHAP. 79.-An Act For the relief of the Southern Iron and Metal Company,
- =·¤» M-3-1 Js¢1a0¤vme,r1¤ad¤.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentattves o the United
and States of America in Congress assembled, Thghi there is heéby appro-
""°“°°°‘ priated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approriated, the sum of $1,189.35, for the relief of the Southern Iron and Metal Company, Jacksonville, Florida, for salv e material consisting of submarine cable sold and delivered at Keyn$Vest, Florida to the Southern Iron and Metal Complany, at the instance of the Director of Purchase and Storage of the War Department, which salvage material was in good faith paid for but was not of the kind and quality represented. Approved, August 23, 1921. A einem.
. 95.-An Act For the relief of Major Francis M. Maddox, United States
ua F _ M Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United
”°°°” ‘ States of America in Congress assembled, mt the Secretary of the
°"°°““* °°°°“¤“· Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to credit the accounts of Major Louis C. ilson, %uartermaster Corps, United States Army, the sum of $1,875.14, to e Ipaid Major Francis M. Maddox, Fourth Regiment Alabama Nations Guard, for pay, commutation of quar-