1568 srxrr-snvnivrn comnnss. sm. 1. cus. es, 126. 1921. under the rules governing such court, and said court shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine such suit and to enter a ]u@ent or decree therein for the amount of such damages sustained by reason ofhsag coléisgon as shall bg found to_ be lue eittiher for or ainst the United States u on the same rmci es an measures ii? liability and_damages, as inplike cases in adiniralltiy between private {gg; Ammy parties and with the same rights of appeal: Provided, That such omni. notice of the suit shall be given to the Attorney General of the United States as may be provided by order of the said court, and 1t shall be the duty of the Attomey General to cause the United States attorney m such district to appear and defend for the United States: °°¤¤¤¤=¤¤¤¤*· Provided further, That said suit shall be bro1}ght and commenced within four months of the date of the passage o this Act. Approved, August 24, 1921. I? E3;t:0§l1:·2;` 651% iw Authorizing themZE`»•$]£1l:g1\E1°vigadpH1;i:)nd Coal Company to ¤- sue e m recoverdamages mee ns. Be it enacted the Senate and House of RerIqaesen¢atives_of the United Jig! States of America an Congress assembled, _ t the_ claim of Bolph in bring me mr Na ation and Coal Com any, a co oration o amzed and existing "‘““’l" .. *3 unda? and b virtue of tlile laws of ltlie State ei? California, with its wmum Y . •¤",¤¤Dl¤n¤¢ ¤¤¤r¢· principal place of business lll the city and county of San Francisco m said State, owner of the barkentine Hesperian, for dam es caused by collision between said vessel and the destroyer Rizzl a naval vessel belonging to the United States, in the Ba of San Francisco on the 26th da of November, 1919, may be suedy for and submitted , mom tg gianilf United District Co1u·t in ani] for tha Northern Igistrigt °o `ornia,s1t1ngasacourtina ty,an actin unerte rules in admiralty, governing said court, in an action ingwhich said Rolph Navigation and Coal Company is hereby authorized to commence against the United States for the recovery of said damages. Said court shall have ]ur1sd.1ction to hear and determine said action and enter its judgment or decree therein for the amount of such damages, if ang, as shall be_found to be due ainst the United States in favor of said _ Rolph Navigation and Coal Uompany, or against the Rolph Navigation and Coal Companyin favor o the United States, upon ighe sari}; principles and :¥§0I_§l1;lg to the mtgasurte of habihg revam miecasesma y eween riva ariesan wi §',’;§f;’_j';,,c_ iihe samegright of appeal: Provided, That suiih notid; of said action shall be given upon or after_the commencement of said action to the Attorney General of the United States, as may be provided by order of Sftld court, and it shall be the dut of the Attomey General upon receipt of such notice to cause the United States attorney in such C t of (l_1StI'1Ct to appear for and_ defend the United States in such action; ,.,1£”‘m""°°'”°” Provided furt er, That said suit shall be brou ht and commenced M8 W mt for within four months of the date of the passage 0% this Act. .,.,mS£,,,°“.1.,,..,%ea. Sec. 2. That the claim of said R01 h Navigation and Coal Cem- °°’¤° "·**d°¤ pag, owlner of the cénal ba?e Aildm? li3esse, for damages caused by co ion etween said vesse an the destro er Buchanan, a naval vessel belonging to the United States, in the? Bay of San Francisco on the lst day of Sepéember, 1919, may be sued for and submitted Judsdicmuufmlm to the_United States istrict Court in and for the N orthem District ‘ · of Califorma,_s1tt1ng as a court of admiralty, and acting under the rules m admiralty governing; said court, ID an action which said $2222 il§1`Ei‘2°13’1‘2 ‘i1‘1‘}1t(§3“`§a‘€EPf”.$‘{-’1.§}iZ2iby “““?°‘“’3ddt° °°’“` _ _ ve o said amageg, Said court shall have jurisdiction to hear and ddzzrmine said action and enter_ its judgment or decree therein for the amount of such damages, if any, as shall be found to be due against the United States
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/17