SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 95-98. 1921. 1567 ters, l' ht, heat, and longevity pay, and for services rendered while detaildg for duty as assistant to the Chief of the Militia. Bureau, War De artment, Washington, District of Columbia, from Jime 4, 1920, to September 30, 1920, inclusive. Approved, August 24, 1921. - Aumtmgm. CHAP. 96.—An Act For the relief of E. W. McC0mas. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatioes 0 the United States of America in Congress assembled Tliat E. W. L£:Comas be §g¤vg‘p°§§E,'TE§?‘ permitted to purchase from the United States, at thphprice of $1.25 P‘”°*¤¤¤ P'*°°· per acre, lots two and four of section Eve, the north h of the northeast quarter, and lots one and two (or the north half of the northwest %61arter) of section seven, townshi five north, range thirty east, illamette meridian, in Umatilla County, Oregion, containing two hundred and five and seventy-two one·hundre ths acres, more or less, and that patent shall, after such dpurchase, issue to him therefor: Promkled, That McComas files in the strict land office at La Grande g•¤;¤:i•¤¤h¤ a pro er application to purchase the said lands, and tenders payment ' zlliprefor at the price fixed herein, within sixty days of the passage of `s ct. Approved, August 24, 1921. » *;“§“‘1§’4a}?$" CHAP. 97.-An Act For the relief of the city of West Point, Georgia [Pgidggé N0, •_] Be at enacted by the.Senate and House of Representat·i1:es of the United W States of America in O ess assembled, 'lhat the cit of West Point, ;;,°f,2;d°"‘*,;£.?‘ H,. in the State of Georgia%, and hereby is, relieved olan liability to *,jg*,{g° and from paying any amount to the Government of the Uiiited States, uma awa-. or any department thereof, on account of the construction and main- V°'· “·°·‘"°· tenance 0 a pontoon bridge across the Chattahoochee River at West Point, Georgia, constructed and maintained under Public Resolution Numbered 25, Sixty-sixth Congress, and from paying the Government for any dam e to or loss of any part of the material used in said bridge; Proarid, That the transportation of personnel, material of ·?§,,'I°°,;,,,,,,,,,,;,,__ Hist and second bridge, and inspection by officers, all amounting to ¤P°¤¤°¤*°*>•P·*°· $2,705.77, shall be paid by said city of West Point, and also transportation charges of ridge material, now on hand, from West Point Georgia, to the point where the Secretary of War may direct said material to be shipped, but not for a greater distance or expense than that from the point which said material was shipped to said West Point, Georgia. Approved, August 24, 1921. A 24 1921. CHAP.98.—AnActForthereliefoft1xeowne1¤of thedtedgeMaryland. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ogReH:;se1ztat*£1:es of the United States rj America in Oo ess osse d, t the claim of John §€_,;*gs*=¤¢f;»¤¤g¤;¤ Emile, of Duval Countyjoglorida, and the Peoples Bank of Mobile, bmngsuisménuaaui a corporation under the laws of the State of Alabama, owners of “‘ °“"“" the dredgteggeiaryland ainst the United States for damages alleged to have- n caused Yy a collision between said dred%>i1;’nd the United States steamship O-4, in the Cooper River at leston, South Carolina, on the 10th day of February, 1919, ma be sued for by the said owners in the District Court of the United States for the ’°'*¤<**¤¤¤¤°‘°¤¤¤- S0uthernDist1ict0f Florida, sitting as s court of admiralty and acting
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