LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTION OF CONGRESS. V11 Page. Mobile, Ala., cuazomhmuze. An Act To provide for the renting of the first floor of the customhouse at Mobile, Alabama, to the Mobile Chamber of Commerce. February 8, 1923 ,. 1769 Fred. G. Leith. An Act For the relief of Fred. G. Leith, United States Navy. February 14, 1923. . 1769 Robert Gulgé Robinson. An Act For the relief of Robert Guy Robinson. Febru 14, 1923. .. 1770 Jacob F. osenbergcr. An Act Granting algensien to Jacob F. Rosenberger. B§;gmary 15 1923. . 1770 Old Dominion Land Company. An Act or the relief of the owner of Old Domjmon {Pier A. February 21, 1923 . 1770 Henry Peters. An Act For the relief of Henlréy Peters. February 21, 1923 .. 1771 Ephraim Lederer. An Act For the relief of phraim Lederer, collector of internal revenue for the first district of Pennsylvania. February 23, 1923 1771 Pennsylvania Railroad Company. An Act For the relief of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. February 23, 1923 . 1771 Milligan College, Term. An Act For the relief of L. D. Riddell and George W. Hardin, trustees of Milligan College, Termemee. February 26, 1923 . 1772 Atlas Lumber Company, etc. An Act For the relief of the Atlas Lumber Company, Babcock and Willcox, Johnson, Jackson and Corning Company, and the C. H. Klein Brick Company. Febmary 26, 1923 . 1772 Helene M. Layton. An Act For the relief of Helene M. Layton. Februar? 26, 1923 . 1772 Standard American Dredging Company. An Act For the relief of the Stan ard American Dredging Company. February 26, 1923 .. 1772 Ike T. Boyles. An Act For the relief of Ike T. Boyles. February 26, 1923 . 1773 Walter Runke. An Act For the relief of Walter Runke. February 26, 1923 .. 1773 Howard R. Gurney. A11 Act For the relief of Howard R. Gurney. February 26, 1923. .. 1773 Delaware River Lightering Company. An Act For the relief of the Delaware River Lightering Company. February 26, 1923 .. 1773 Robert J. Ashe. An Act For the relief of Robert J. Ashe. February 26, 1923 1774 Camp Funston, Kaus. An Act Authorizing the Secretary of War to make settlement with the lessees who erected buildings on a £ve·year lease on the zone at Camp Funston, Kansas, and for other purposes. February 26, 1923 .. . .. 1774 Alke M, Gorman. An Act For the relief of Alice M. Gorman. February 26, 1923 1774 “Mohiean, " géeamakip. An Act For the relief of the owners of the steamship Mohican. February 26, 19 .. - 1774 "C'0mpo·rt," steam lighter. An Act For the relief of the owners of the steam lighter Comport. February 26, 1923 ... . . 1775 Lin]:-Belt Cmngrzmy. An Act For the relief of the Link-Belt Company, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ebruary 26, 1923 . . ... 1776 Th. Bromgy. An Act For the relief of Th. Brovig. February 26, 1923 ... 1776 " Titania, ’ steamer. An Act For the relief of the Lloyd Meditermneo Societa. Italiana di Navigazieue, owners of the Italian steamer Titania. February 26, 1923 .. 1777 "Mary S. Dolb0w," jishing snmck. An Act For the relief of the owner of the fishing smack Mary S. Dolbow. Februax 26, 1923. ... 1777 " Vindal," steamahip. An ct To compensate the owners of the American steamship Vindal for damages and expenses in repairing the said steamship, and to make an appropriation therefor. February 27, 1923 . 1778 Nolan P. Benner. An Act For the relief of Nolan P. Benner. February 28, 1923 1778 Harry E. Fiske. An Act For the rehef of Harry E. Fiske. February 28, 1923 1778 "E.spera·nz;§" isgeézgmahip. An Act For the relief of the owners of the steamship Esperanza. Febru- 1 8 ary , . .. . .. 77 Robert Edgar Zeigler. An Act For the relief of Robert Edgar Zeiger. February 28, 1923. . 1779 George Emerson. An Act For the f€11€fofG€0f¥8 Emerson. Fe mary 28, 1923 . . 1779 William Collie Nabors. An Act For the relief 0 William Collie Nabors. February 28, 1923 ... 1779 Thomas E. Owen. An Act For the relief of Thomas E. Owen. February 28, 1923 1780 Lewis W. Flaunlacber. An Act For the relief of Lewis W. Flaunlacher. February 28, 1923 1780 Bufkin and Girvin. An Act For the relief of Buffkin and Girvin. February 28, 1923 .. . .. 1780 Frank R. Tobin. An Act For the relief of Anna M. Tobin, independent executrix of the estate of Frank R. Tobin, deceased. February 28, 1923 .. 1780 Camp Benning, Ga. An Act For the relie of persons suffering damage by reason of proceedings for the condemnation of land for Camp Benning, Georglia. February 28, 1923 .. 1781 John W. Smntan. An Act To provide for the issuance to ohn W. Stanton by the Secretary of the Interior of patent to certain land, upon payment therefor at the rate of $1.25 per- acre. February 28, 1923 . 1781 Herbert E. Mcilstrup. An Act For the relief of Berbert E. Meilstrup. February 28, 1923 . 1781 C'. M. Rieves. An Act For the relief of C. M. Rieves. Februag 28, 1923 . . .. 1782 G. Dare Hopkins. An Act For the relief of G. Dare Ho kins. ebruary 28, 1923 . 1782 Anton Roapotnik, etc. An Act For the relief of Anton and the exchange of cdtain lands owned by the Northern Pacific Railway Company. February 28, 1923 ... . 1782 Eugene Fazzi. An Act For the rehef of Eugene Fazzi. February 28, 1923 ... 1782 David B. Landis and Jacob F. Sheafer. An Act For the relief of the estate of David B. Landis, deceased, and the estate of Jacob F. Sheaiier, deceased. March 1, 1923 . . 1783 A. L. G1'G'ITll‘£7lQ. An Act For the relief of A. L. Gmmling. March 1, 1923 ... 1783 E. J. Reynolds. An Act For the rehef of E. J. Reynolds. March 1, 1923 1783 Isaiah Stephen;. An Act To reimburse Isaiah Stephens, postmaster of Mcklechen, Marshall County, West Virginia, for money stamps stolen. March 2, 1923 .. 1783 Jesse C. Daum} and William Rhett er. An Act For the relief of Jesse G. Dennis and William Rhett Elmzer. March 2, 1923 . ... 1783
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