V111 LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTION OF CONGRESS. Pago. Ma-rt-in (llama-. An Act For the relief of Martin Cletucr. March 2, 1923 ..·-··.··-- ; ·-·--·----··· 1784 Hillsboro Dredying Company. An Act For the relief of the trustee of the estate of Hillsboro Dredg- ' (bm y, 3 oorporatiou, bankrupt. March 2, 1923 -·- · · · 1784 m...1i£`i·r.uz...E'i Mm mmmueso John N. Halladsnzgi Mmu2,1m ... 1784 J. FK Gldden and E. F. Hobbs. An Act For the relief of J. . Glidden and E. F. Hobbs. March 1785 2, 1923 . . . . . . --··-·---··-~--····-~---··----··-··--· Rugtv Vikhe, An Act For the relief of Ruporto Yilchc. March 2, 1923 .. . .-··...-·--·· 1785 A. . Adcerrnan. An Act Authorizing the acoonmtzing officeis of the '1`l'%Sl11'Y to pay to A. E. Ackap mm the pay and allowances o his rank for services performed pnor to the approval of his bond by the Secretary of the Navy. Marg]; 2; 1923 .. 1785 Grq Sbipwizh. An Act. For the relief of Grey Skipwith. _ March 2, 1923 .-.- _ -...·-.·----- 1785 Southern Tramportation Company. An Act For the relief of Southern Tmnsporhmon Company. 1786 Mardi 2, 1923 . . . -- _ ..---··-·-- .M·s. R. S. Aba·ru¢&y. An Act Granting permission to M1s._R. S. Abemcthy, of Lmcolnton, North Guolimg, to accept the decoration of the busi; of Bolivar. March 2, 1923 ..-... 1786 Thani: Clrnkt. An Act For the relief of Themis Christ. March 2, 1923 .. 1786 Ellen McNamara. An Act For the relief oiE11on McNamara. March 2, 1923 ..-. 2 . . . 1787 Noah Bay Dock C0£pa·ny. An Act For the relief of the Noah Bay Dock Company, a corporation. 1787 \hrch2,19 -.. . -. ... ... . . .: ..-. Fred E. Jones Dreggng Company. An Act For tho relief of the Fred E. Jones Dmdg1ngComp¤my. 1787 Match 2 1 -.. . . .. . . . . . . . .. Major Russell Putnam. An Act For the relief of Major Russell B._Putnam. March 2, 1923. . . . . 1788 Gaptain Norman Randolph. An Act tgcrmimion to Captain Norman Bandolgh, United States Army, to accept the decoration o 0 Spanish Order of Military Mont of Al ouso XIII. 1788 March 2, 1923. . . ..-.. lm: B. Baldmbw-g. An Act For the relief of Max B. Balgienbmg. March 2, 1923 ... . 1788 Cana! Zone court accounts. An Act For the relief of William Howard May, ox-marshal of the Canal Zone; William K. Jackson, ox-district atrbomoy of the Caml Zone; and John H. McI.om, oxgaymasber of the Panama Cgmxl, now deceased. March 2, 1923 1788 Iolm F. amen. An Act For tho relief of John F. Homon. 2, 1923 .. 1789 Vincent L. Keating. An Act For the relief of Vincent L. Keating. March 2, 1923 1789 IYGTWGS Martin. An Act For the relief of Frances Martin. March 2, 1923 ... 1789 James M. Palmer. An Act To validate for certain purposes the revocation of discharge orders of Lieutenant Colonel James M. Palmer and the orders restoring such OECGI to his ormer rank and command. Match 2, 1923. . ._ .. . . . .. 1790 Chula: W M lar. An Act For tho relief of Charles W. Mugler. March 3, 1923 .. 1790 Robert Laird iZCmm·icl:. A11 Act For the relief of the hairs of Robert Laird McCormick, deceased. Much 3, 1923 ... : . . 1790 John Albrecht. An Act For the relief of John Albrecht. March 3, 1923 .. 1791 Joseph Zitek. An Act For the relief oi Joseph Zitek. March 3, 1923 . . .. ‘ 1791 American Enjield. An Act For the religf of Americus Enfield. March 3, 1923 ... 1791 John Calvin Starr. An Act For tho rphef of John Calvin Starr. March 3, 1923. .. 1791 Quincy R. Gro]!. An Act For the relief of Quincy R. Craft. March 3, 1923. .. . . 1791 “Jlou.m Hope," schooner. An Act For the relief of tho owners of the American schooner Mount Hope. March 3, 1923 _ ... . .. . . . 1792 Mrs. Vincenzo Diminico. An Act For_the mhef of Mrs. Vmceuza Diminico. March 4, 1923 .. 1792 Josephine H. Bqrin. An Act Authorizing the payment of an amount equal to six month¤’ pay to Ioselplunc H. Bonn. March 4, 1923 ... 1792 Pensacola, F a., hm. An Act For the relief of Albert H. White, Mary E. Fowler, Lorena B. Wink- _ lor E. E. White, and C. A. White. March 4, 1923 . .. 1793 William Phillmlck. A11 Act For tho relief of William H. Philbrick. March 4, 1923 ,,,,,, , .,__ 1793 Frank G. Emma. An Act For tho relief of Frank G. Emmos. March 4, 1923 . .. 1793 Charks L. Mcffulley. A11 Act For tho relief of Charles L. McCu1le . March 4, 1923 .. . .. 1793 FK W McGrath. An Act For the relief of W. W. McGrath. Msrclii 4, 1923 ... . ... 1794 Thurston VK True. An Act For the re1ief of Thurston W. True. March 4, 1923 .. 1794 "B'gwamK" barge. An Act For the relief of time owners of the buis Havana. March 4, 1923 .. 1794 Allw_Mermda Outternde. Act For the relief of Allie Melinda utterside. March 4, 1923 .. 1795 Jluinggm lgaulwezrd Buggzg An Act For the relief of the Michigan Boulevard Buildomyy- ---·------·--·-------·--..--·-·---·------.--.-·-·-----· 1795 Robertlglg Dm; orzh. An Act; For the relief of Robert E. Danforth, March 4, 1923 .,,.,,,.,.., 1795 Robert E'. Kel Post. American Legakm. An Act Autho ` the conveyance of certain land in the State of South Dakota to the Robert E. Kelley ¥ost, Numbered Seventv, American Iigion, South Dakota. March 4, 1923. ..,_,_,.,.,_,,,,.,.,,_.,.,.,, I ,.,..,.,,,, 1796
. Shenton. All Act For tho relief of Herbert E. Shentou. March 4, 1923 , .. . 1796
Alma P, Dewey. An Act Granizingsix mo¤ths’ pay to Alice P. Dowe . March 4, 1923. - 1796 "Pcr¢ fkillip, " steamslrip. An Act For the relief of the Commouwealyth and Dominion Lino (Limiwd), owner of the British steamahip Port Phillip. March 4, 1923 1796 Trjygve Knhtuzn Lode. An Act. Fog the relief oi Trvgvc Kristian Lode. March 4, 1923 .. . 1797 Joe I Whit;. {kn Aoi; For the relief of Joe T. March 4, 1923 ,,,, , __,,,,...,., ,, ,..., 1797 Hgmld L, McKinley, An Act; For the relief of Hgmld L, McE_¤1gy, March 4, 1923 ___,,.. . ,.,,, 1797 Rwdtcrd Andrews. An Act For the relief of llighggd Andrew; March 4, 1923 _,,,,,,_ , , ,,,,..,,,, 1798 John Andcaon. Act For the relief of John Anderson. March 4. 1923 ..,.,.. 1798 Mward F. Dunne, jr. An Act For the relief of Edward F. Dunne, junior. March 4, 1923 1798