2248 PROCLAMATIUNS, 1921. Done at the City of Washington, this 30 day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, [snAL.] and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-sixth. Wanunu G Hanmno By the President: Cnannns E. Hoomas Secretary of State.
BY rim Pnnsmnnr or run UNrrnn Srarns or Aumuos.
I¤*m¤°°· WHEREAS, by an Act of Congress entitled, "An Act to Amend
vo1.40,p.8¤& the War Risk Insurance Act," approved bg the President on the eleventh of Jul , one thousand nine hundre and eighteen, it is pvrovided that the Division of Marine and Seamen’s Insurance of the ar Risk Insurance Bureau shall suspend within six months after the end of the war, but that for the purpose of the iinal adjustment of outstanding insurance or claims said division may, in the discretion of the President, be continued in existence for a period not exceeding three ears after such suspension, and V°*· *1-1*- *3*- WHIEREAS, b a Joint Resolution of the Cogfress of the United States, approved lily the President on the third of arch, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, it is provided that in the interpretation of any lprovision relating to the duration or date of the termination of the ate war between the Imperial German Government and the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Government and the Government and people of the the United States, in any Acts of Congress contingent upon the date of the termination of such war, the date when such resolution becomes effective should be construed and treated as the date of the termination of the war, and VVHEREAS, it is necessarynlgo continue the existence of said Division of Marine and Seamen’s urance for the purpose of Enal adjustment of outstanding insurance or claims, and
- ""'· P· 1** , by the Act of Congress entitled, "An Act to Establish
a Veterans} Bureau" and for other purposes, aplproved by the President on the ninth of August, one thousand nine undred and twenty- one, the powers, duties and personnel of the War Risk Insurance Bureau were transferred to the Veterans’ Bureau, and """**"”‘ WHEREAS, by a Joint Resolution of the Congress of the United States, approved by the President on the twenty-fourth of A st, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, the name of thy? eterans’ Bureau was chanléged to the United States Veterans’ Bureau, Di’§§$;j¤°$:g§g=r;_¥g§ NOW, THEREFOR , I, Warren G. Harding, President of the Bureau éemmuea im- United States of America, by authority of the wers conferred m,?,j°,f“§b§,§_1’ um upon me by said Acts and Resolutions of Co ess, gg hereby declare and pyroclaim that the Division of Marine an?lSeamen’s Insurance of the nited States Veterans’ Bureau shall continue in existence for the purpose of making final adjustment of outstanding insurance or claims until the thirty-first of December, one thousand nine hundred and twentIy—one. IN WI NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this first day of September in the year o our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty- [AEAL.] one and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-sixth. _ Waxman G Hannnao By the President: _ Cimxnss E. Hocmzs Secretary of State.