PROCLAMATIONS, 1921. 2249 Br rim Pnnsmnuzr or mn UNITED Srivrns or Amnmc.4 S°P*°m"°*’2·*°"· A PROCLAMATION f RE.tAS, Kteiit gud hi? Elizabstg Thatcher Kent, tiffg, Wyfmgy 0 e unyo armm e tateo 'ornia, 0nFb 14,c·. ’ 1920,_pursuant to_ the Act of Congress entitled, "An Act fdr ialliggres- ?£<g¤g¤,b¤•; 225 ervation of American Ant1qu1t1es," approved June 8, 1906, by their Vo1i35,’p.'2I74: certam deed of relmciuishment and conveyance, properly executed in writingand acknow edged, relinciinsh, remise, convey and forever {gamut c aim to the Unite States o America the following mentioned nds at that time held in Private ownershidp and s1tuate 111 the county Lands mesa to.
- >fHMarm&)_m_tthe State 0 California, an particularly described as
o ows, wi : Beginning at a two-inch iron i e marked "Mon t 5" the D¤¤¤¤1>¢i f ~ westerly boundary line of the Woods Nationalul?ifii>Iii11men(1iT1run- igeiiiniiatiiinuiefrmicg-l° mug thence northerly along said westergboundary line, North twenty 2Z°gt'§.?’;f2°”tE’“’¥ ““"“'F·W“°·°“ °¤l’S3“‘iE"“"f°“€ $1 “"Z§“ n ee a wo·mc iron iemare " onum t northwesterly corner of the Mui? €Voods National Mouaent, téhencg
- `longJhe_bounga1];[y com`?ondt;> of ggillilam Klint adnrd of ghe Mt.
·ampa1san mr oo wa, ut eigty— eeees forty-tw? West flliree and ten feat to `}:'l13hnort§i;·ly cornero e ton actw `c was conve e to `am Kent by a deed dated April 1st, 1916, and recordedy in the office of the County Recorder of Marin County in Book_177 of Deeds, at page 495; thence algng thefeasterly boun aryEoftsa1d §1a1niltog. gfract, South mneteen ees orty-six minutes as one thousand ort -six and two tentbseget to the easterly corner of said Hamilton Tragic; thence leaving the boundar of said tract, North eighty-six degrees twenty · minutes East three liundred twenty-six and seven tenths feet to the pomt of beginning, containing seven and_forty-four hundreth acres gore or lesstélall bekazingsdrefer toEtrutemer1dian, magnetic declination roxima eig een egrees as . ghe entire ll-Iamilton Tract, conveyed to William Kent by a deed ,m'§:*{¤v¤ij%T,{c*;1g*· dated April 1st, 1916, and recorded in the office of the County ' gjtfrcggggrff Clonmgyugrzv of Deeds, at page 495, and y cn e as o , : Commencingnat the most northerly point of Ranch "X" as laid down and de eated on the map entitled, "Tamalpais Land and §Vate5 Company giag Noi13,"’ tlhergicie along tlhe northeviesterly Gun f ai nc ‘ ," ut t -one egrees ty-two niinutmigyllélestsfour hiiindred forty-nine andyfifty-three hundredths feet; thence South fifty-two degrees tlnrty-four minutes West eight hundred seventy-seven and ninety-four hundredths feet to the most nprthei-lyfemer of Ranch “W"; thence aliong the 1;l<t;·theti·ly boundary 0 said li "W," South fort ·nine e ees t ty- our minutes West two iliiiidred ninety-nine and, ten hundgrledths feet; thence North seventy de ees forty-two minutes West two hundred feet to the Hortheasterlirr corner of Ranch "Y"; thence along the northeasterly bqlmdary og said Ranch "Y," North fiftyétwhor degrees gwetgygsié HunuteWtf hdd`t-inean fty-nine un et feet; thenc;SSo(i1ll1h slglreiiliy-ildhilgeydlegrees seventeen minutes West two hundred thirty-nine and seventy-three hundredths feet; thence North eighty-five de ees thirty-five minutes West three hundred gineteen and eightygdur hundredths geetil theincg Ngrth sixty-fivs egrees thirty e inutes West ve un re t ty-nine an fifty-two hundrl-iihhxs §21et· thence North fortyrtwo degrees twentgg cig t minutes West three hundred sevent{—eig t and five hundredt feet; thence leaving the northeasterly ouudery of Ranch "Y,"