2250 PRocLAMA·r1oNs, 1921. North sixty-eight degrees forty-eight minutes East two thousand four hundred forty-two and thirteen hundredths feet; thence North sixty-two degrees six minutes East five hundred ninety-six and fifty- nine hundredths feet; thence South nineteen degrees forty-six minutes East one thousand forty-six and twenty-two hundredths feet feet to the point of commencement, containing sevenléy and forty-six hundredths acres, said parcel being as laid down an delineated on the map entitled, "Tamalpais Land and Water Company Map No. 3," which map is on file in the office of the County Recorder o said County of Marin in Ma Book 1, page 104, to which map reference is hereby made for fu.··tli)er or more pgrticular description, and ,,,%{4.]$w'{;§§'g°11£l Wh6Y6¤S, the Mt. Tamalpais and uir Woods Ra` vvay, o, ooljpom. way. tion duly organized and existing under the laws of California, did, on v°l' 34’p` m' February 24th, 1921, pursuant to the Act of Congress entitled, "An Act for the Preservation of American Antiquities," approved June 8, 1906, by its certain deed of relingéishment and conveyance, properly executed in writing and ac owledged, relinguish, remise, convey and forever gait c aim to the Unite States o America the following mentioned and at that time held by it in private ownershig and situate in the Count of Marin, in the State of California, an particularly described as fbllows, to wit: Beginning at a fence corner at corner common to land of the North Coast Water Co., land of the Mt. Tamalpais and Muir Woods Railway C0;, and Ranch "8," and Ranch "Y" of land of William Kent; running thence North fifty-nine degrees fifty-seven minutes East three thousand six hundred twenty-six and nine tenths feet, along line between land of North Coast Water Co. and land of the Mt. Tamalpais and Muir Woods Railway Co. to an iron pi e driven in the ground; an iron pipe being set at two thousand nine llfundred e' hty-three and ‘ one tenth feet on this line; thence South e` ht -ninel§egrees thirty- nine minutes East one thousand three hunldrreiff forty-one and seven tenths feet to an iron pipe driven in the xound; thence South sixty- five degrees forty-one minutes East one ousand seventeen and two tenths eet to an iron pipe driven in the ground on the present north line of the Muir Woods National Monument; thence r outh eighty- three degrees forty-two minutes West two thousand two hundred fifty-nine feet along the north line of the Muir- Woods National Monument to an iron vrppe marked "Monument 6" at the northwest corner of the Muir oods National Monument; thence South eight · three degrees forty-two minutes West three hundred ten feet to tlire northeast corner of the Hamilton Tract so called· thence along the line between the Hamilton Tract, so called, and the land of the Mt. Tamalpais and Muir Woods Railway Co. for the following courses and distances, South sixty-two degrees six minutes West five hundred ninety-six and six tenths feet, South sixty-ei<rht degrees forty- eight minutes West two thousand four hundred fbrty~two and one tenth feet to an iron pipe in the fence line at the corner common to the Hamilton Tract, land of the Mt. Tama] ais and Muir Woods Railwafy Co., and Ranch "Y" of the land of Qifilliam Kent; thence North orty-two degrees twenty-eight minutes West seventv—five feet to the point of beginning, containing fifty and twenty-four hundredths acres more or less, all bearinvs refer to true nortli, magnetic declination approximatel eighteen degrees East, and Whereas, said relinquisliments and conveyances have been accepted by the Secretary of the Interior, in the manner and for the purposes prescribed in said Act of Congress, and _ Whereas, an extensive rowth of redwood trees (Sequoia sempervirens) embraced in said iinds is of extraordinary scientific interest
importance because of the primeval character of the forest in
which it is located, and of the character, age and size of the trees,