1064 SIXTY-EIGHTH conennss. sees. 11. oe. aes. iezs. $864; on routes six miles and less than elght miles $7 92; on routes four miles and less than six miles, $720. ach rural carrier assigned to a route on which daily serv1ce_1s performed shall receive $30 per lofgj ¤¤¤<>¤¢° °l· mile per annumffor each file iing roliite IS in eiecesslof twentg-foulp ` miles or major raction thereo ase on actua mi eage an eac rural carrier assigned to a route on which triweekly service is performed shall receive $15 per mile for each mile said route is in excess of twenty-four miles or major fraction thereof, based on actual mileage. Dgd¤;g;>¤¤ for Deductions for failure to perform service on a·standard rural um ° °ms° delivery route for twenty-four miles and less shall not exceed the _ rate of pay per mile for service for twenty-four miles and less; and deductions for failure to perform service on mileage in excess of twenty-four miles shall not exceed the rate of compensation allowed _ _ for such excess mileage. ,,,,f*,;},,“’,,*{,'f,’,j’,°,,{,c,,‘f’“‘”°°' In addition to the salary herein provided, each carrier in Rural Mail Delivery Service shall be pai for equipment maintenance a sum equal to 4 cents per mile per day for each mile or ma]or fraction P°Ym°¤“‘- of a mile scheduled. Payments for equipment maintenance as provided herein shall be at the same periods and in the same manner as ayments fer regular compensation to rural carriers. },`;¤;'€_g}({Y°{;>;¤,;‘§,,,D, JE rural carrier serving one triweekly route shall be paid a salary allowance. andlpquipment allgviance on tlge basip of a_route one-half the leng-lh of the route serve y . rura carrier serving two triwee y routes shall behplzld fatlslalary landdequigmlenlz tallloyvance eps the basis ·
of a route one- a o ecom me en o e wo rou .
m}l°°m“°°“ mk"' Sec. 9. That the salary of requisition fillers and packers in the $:fi¤gm¤— ,05,, division of equipment and supplies shall be as follows: One foreman, messed. ’ p' $2,100 per annum; ten requisition fillers and nine packers at $1,800 Vmm delivery each per annum. _ _ _ _ _ ,,8, ,,,,,m,m_· Sec. 10. That the pay of carr1ers in the village delivery service, S bm { under such rules and regulations as the Postmaster General may pre- “ ““· scribe, shall be from $1,150 t0_$1,350 per aImum._ The payeof substitutef letter carrierelin the village delivery service shall at the rate o 50 cents er our. EmL§=;y;s<>f ¤¤¤¤¤<=¤ =¤ Sec. 11. Emplbyees in_the Postal Service shall be granted fifteen _ days’ leave of absence with pay excluswe of Sundays and holidays, m§;j¤¥ were ¤¤¤¤¤1¤- each hscal year, and sick leave with pay at the rate of ten days a year, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, to be cumulative, but no sick leave with pay in excess of thirty days shall be granted during any one fiscal year._ Sick leave shall be granted on_y upon satisfactory evidence of illness in accordance with regulations to be pre- _ scribed by the Postmaster General. _ ,,,,",?;"""’ °'°"“ ’°' The lifteen days’ leave shall be credited at the rate of one and one- Mmmion of ml quarter days for each month of actual service. dum, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ _ W henever an employee herein provided for shall have been reduced in salary for any cause, he may be restored to his former grade or advanced to an intermediate grade at the beginning of any quarter following the reduction, and a restoration to a former grade or advancement_to an intermediate grade shall not be construed as a pgomotioxll within thedmeanllng of the law prohibiting advancement 0 more t an one gra e wit in one year. .“'j“’“"’ ¥"°m°’ Whenever the promotion of an employee herein rovided f r ' mm" withheld because ofunsatisfactory service, such eni)ployee ma; li; promoted at the beginning of the second quarter thereafter, or of any subsequent quarter, on evidence that his record has been satisfactory during the intervening period.