SIXTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 374. 1925. 1085 mander with the officers of the regular Navy with whom or next after whom they take precedence in accordance with this Act and such officers of and above the rank of lieutenant commander shall be te$iiii°°°°Id>°¤i1ii»i°zi¤ii<iie1£ eligible for selection upon recommendation by a board appointed, md **b°"¤¤ “P°¤ constituted, and approved as required by law for the regular Navy iimliimudamu of and when so selected shall be eligible for advancement, either temporary or permanent, to the next higher grade or rank in the Naval Reserve corresponding to such higher grades or ranks as may then exist on the active list of the regular Navy, in such numbers for _ each grade or rank as may be prescribed from time to time by the _ Secretary of the Navy: Provided, That no officer of the Naval diiiigéiito qumaca- Reserve shall be advanced to a higher rank until he has qualified **°“°”·mi¤°“°¤S· therefor by such mental, moral, professional, and physical examinations as the Secretary of the Navy may prescribe: Provided further, ray, em., from am That all officers of the Naval Reserve who may be advanced to a °’°°m““sS*°¤~ higher grade or rank shall be allowed the pay and allowances of the higher grade or rank from the dates stated in their commissions: mama omega not Provided further, That the provisions of this section shall not apply m°l“d°d· to officers who have been or may hereafter be retired from the Naval Reserve Force or the Naval Reserve. _Phw¤ic¤1 ¤¤¤r¤i¤¤· Smo. 18. All officers of the Naval Reserve shall be examined me °v°ryf°`"y°’m' physically once every four years, or oftener, as may be deemed necessary, and if upon such examination they are found not physi— hg`¤g> h¤¤¤r¤p1§d<1is, cally qualified for active service they shall be honorably discharged hotrgualifidd iiiiimiie or, within the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, placed on s°'“°°‘ the honorary retired list provided for in section 19 of this Act. H0,,d,,,,y,d,d,dd1,St_ Sec. 19. That officers of the Naval Reserve shall be placed on an dES*·¤b,1;¤&¤§dm·; g tegcf honorary retired list of the Naval Reserve without pay or allow- mgm ° ’ ` ances upon reaching the age of sixty-four years, or, within the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, upon the officer’s own request, _ after twenty-five years’ service in the Naval Reserve: Provided, mddded in That service in the Navy, Marine Corps, Naval Reserve Force, 1¤¤z¤vi¢:r- National Naval Volunteers, Naval Militia, Naval Auxiliary Service, and Coast Guard shall be counted as service in the Naval Reserve under the provisions of this section. TH]; FLEET NAVAL RESERVE Fleet Naval Reserve. Src. 20. That in time of peace, except as herein otherwise pro- ·,,;§‘,§°,‘§{‘,},§‘,§}%§,‘E,f’*’ vided, officers and enrolled and enlisted men of the Fleet Naval Reserve shall be required to perform such training duty, not to exceed fifteen da s annually, as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy, unliess excused therefrom or good and sufficient rea- _ Sons by direction of the Secretary of the Navy: Provided, That they ,{_°f,°(§,?§§d,d_ dd,,,0,_ may be given additional training or other duty, either with or with- fwd with ¤<>¤¤¤¤*~ out pay, as may be authorized, with their consent, by the Secretary l of the Navy: Provided further, That when authorized training or m§,;¤eb_;¤S*¢¤¤¤ * ¤ ¥· other duty without pay is performed by officers or men they may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, be furnished subsistence in kind or commutation thereof at a rate to be fixed from time to _ time by the Secretary of the Navy: And provided furi‘her,_That dy¥§m°{°“° *°*’ °“°'°“ officers and men while detailed for training or other duty in aviation which involves actual flving in aircraft, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy, shall receive the same increase of the pay of their grades, ranks, or ratings as may be received by officers and enlisted men in similar grades, ranks, and ratings in the regular Navy for the performance of similar duty. Qompensatiou in Sec. 21. Officers below the grade or rank of lieutenant commander d““ “‘“’”"“”°°· "‘°· and enlisted men of the Fleet Naval Reserve attached to a division thereof, organized under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of