1086 sxxrrznienrn oouennss. sm. II. cH. 374. 1925. the Navy, shall receive compensation at the rate of one-thirtieth of the monthly base pay of their grades, ranks, or ratings for attending, under competent orders, each regular drill, or other equivalent in- {r»,,,,,,;,,,,, t itructipnz 0&;11l1;y, as may late; prescribed the Secipegiry of the Nagy: WY mu- ravi e , a no suc officer or en is e man s a receive pay or . more than 60 drills or other uivalent instruction or dut in an digiekmd cmmm one fiscal year: Provided furiiiier, That week-end cruises ghall noi Additional my 0m_ be regarded as drills or other equivalent instruction or duty, ms above iieuariam. For satisfactory performance of their appropriate duties under such regulations as the Secretary of the Navy may prescribe, officers above the grade or rank of lieutenant of the Fleet Naval Reserve B 1 _ shall receive compensation at the rate of not more than $500 a year, m.,,§_Y,°§;§“,§‘ch°g',i’stE,°‘§ and officers below the grade or rank of lieutenant commander and ‘“"‘s‘°”· enlisted men of the Fleet Naval Reserve not attached to a division ahereof, shplllreceivednot mucge than four-thirgieths tgt the monthly -» ase payo the1r gra es, ra s, or ratings eac mont . ggigcligiggg iing In addition to the pay to which theiy may otherwise become ` entitled updlelr gus segion, cgicers of or below the grade or rank of captain o the leet aval eserve regularl assi ed to and commanding organizations of the Fleet Naval Rgservetigiyrganized under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy, and having administrative functions, shall receive compensation at the rate of $240 a yeprkfor the lfaithful performance of the administrative duties · connecte therewit . New =>¤<¤¤i;¤¢ if fe Pa under the rovisions of this section shall not accrue to an
diiiiiiiiy-md officeiy or enlisted Iinan during a period when he shall be lawfully};
entitled to pay for active duty or training duty. N§`j;F*t§¤§;’·;¤,f;•§*§0;*; Sec. 22. That the Secretary of the Navy, in his discretion, under years in rise: Rgsewe such regulations as he may prescribe, may require any person here- °°t°"m°“"°”° °"’°I‘ after when first enlisting in the regular naval service and may authorize any enlisted man in such service to obligate himself to serve four years in the Fleet Naval Reserve upon termination of his enlist- ""!"*·’°*· ment in the regular naval service: Provided, That u on termination ilizmgsssigngiiliiscilxiizretiii of their enlistment in the regular naval service, mgn who have so my obligated themselves shall be lassigned to the Igleet Naval Reserve for the four-year period, un ess the a ply or reenlistment or extension of their enlistment in the re5:g11l:i)r naval service, in which _ event they may be reenlisted or may extend their enlistment in the q`$f§,“§Ngg;Ya;§;n{;,·‘ regular naval service: Provided further, That the men so assigned to Fleet Reserve- to the Flag: l\§val Reserve fog the four-year peiiiod shall not, in time of peace, or ered to active uty, except with t ieir own consent and Auomm when pep shall be under no obligation to perform training duty or drill idurforming assignee as- ing that period, but shall be paid in advance $25 per annum, except ‘“"‘· when, with their own consent, they become attached to a division of the Fleet Naval Reserve, or satisfactorily perform appropriate duties assigned by direction of the Secretary of the Navy, in which case they shall receive the pay, allowances, gratuities, and other %1polur§entg 2;; herein specitically provided for enlisted men of the eet ava serve. §’§{,“,f‘§§1S‘§’,‘§§’én, 0,, Enlisted men_ of the regular_naval service assigned to the Fleet fr<>¤¤F1¤¤rR¤¤¤rv¤·¢¤¤- Naval Reserve in accordance with the provisions of this section, orenlisted men who within three months from date of discharge from the rewlar naval service upon completion of a four-year enlistment, enlist in the Naval Reserve, may,. while so in the Naval Reserve, be permitted to reenlist in the regular naval service, in which case they shall be entitled to_ the same benefits as if they had enlisted in the regular naval service within three months of their last discharge therefrom.