SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, Sess. II. Cus. 376-378. 1925. 1091 CHAP. 8 .—An ‘ National rszgt in th£gtaTtgSl11li1i£)kman€gathS? °'°°l”°“ °f ““'“° '°’“‘°* °” “‘° °““"‘ f3i;`;}‘?;§bl$"‘ c, 0.514.] Re it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United btates of America in Congress assembled, That the President ,,,??2§§ N“"°““ F"' of the United States is hereby authorized to designate such national é%¤¤l°¤¤¢¤=¤¤¤¤¤·- forest lands within the Ozark National Forest, within the State of mm' Arkansas, as should, in his discretion, be set aside for the protection of game animals, birds, or fish; and whoever shall himt, catch, trap, ,,,,{’,§‘§’j§'g,,"‘°"',,f{’,{,,',§‘;‘ willfully disturb, or kill any kind of game animal, game or non- °°°— ' game, bird, or fish, or take the eggs of any such bird on any lands so set aside, or in or on the waters thereof, except under such general rules and regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture may from time to t1me prescribe, shall be ined not more than $500 or im risoned _ not more than six months, or both: Provided, That no landg within {Z,‘f',;'f,°,;,c,,,,,,,, the present limits of the fourth congressional district shall be i included in such designation. Approved, February 28, 1925. Fcbru 1925. CHAP. 377.——Joint Resolution To accept donations of furniture and furnish- [S-Jiu{°“2F'1°3·] ings for use in the White House. [P“b· R°°·· N°· “·l Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatzhzes of the _ United States of America in Congress assembled, That with a view _Y§,Q,§§’,,§¥,‘§,*?,;,§,",;_ to conserving in the White House the best specimens of the early g¤¤=.¤ff¤r¤i¤¤r¤.¤¢¤·. American furniture and furnishin , and for the purpose of main- r` taining the interior of the White lgbuse in keeping with its original design the officer in char of public buildings and uuds is hereby authorized and directecie with the approval of 5;:) President, to accept donations of furniture and furnishings for use in the White House. All such articles thus donated to become the property of ,,2`§,}’,§Y“"°° S“"”°’ the United States and to be accounted for as such. Tm m wmmib Src. 2. The said officer in charge of public buildings and grounds msuzggngsmwm is further authorized and directed, with the approval of the Presi· Z;",,g;,{,?‘§°,'§}‘Q,',§’f,'g,°,,f"°' dent, to appoint a temporary committee composed of one representative of the American Fe eration of Arts, one representative of the National Commission of Fine Arts, one representative of the National Academy of Design, one member of the American Insti- `tute of Architects, and five members representing the (public at large; the said committee to have full power to select an pass on the articles in question and to recommend the same for acceptance. Approved, February 28, 1925. Feb 1925. CHAP. 378.—Joint Resolution To amend section 2 of the public resolution entitled "Joint resolution to authorize the operation of Government·owned lP“b·B·”-·N°-5*} radio stations for the use of the general public, and for other purposes," approved April 14, 1922. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the _ United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 2 of ,,§?,§§‘T"”°°“‘ "°’° public resolution numbered 48, Sixty-seventh Congress, approved °dV¤l·*2·¤·*°5·¤¤¤*d· April 14, 1922, is amended to read as follows: _ _ “ Src. 2. The Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized, under §;e'c?',j5¤§S¤yhmm_ the terms and conditions and at rates prescribed by him, which rates aes. shall be just and reasonable, and which, upon complaint, shall be subject to review and revision by the Interstate Commerce Commission, to use all radio stations and apparatus, wherever located, owned by the United States and under the control of the Navy