SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. GHS. sv, ss. 1024. 91 tory embraced on July 1, 1920, in the counties of Sevier, Howard, Little River, Pike, Hempstead, Miller, La Fa ette, Columbia, Nevada, Ouachita, Union, and Calhoun; the Fort Slmith division, which F°’* smh *“*’*¤*°¤· shall include the territory embraced on such date in the counties of Polk, Scott, Logan, Sebastian, Franklin, Crawford, Washington, _ _ _ _ Benton, and Johnson; and the Harrison division, which shall include H°'"S°“ d““S‘°“‘ the territory embraced on such date in the coimties of Baxter, Boone, Carroll, Madison, Marion, Newton, and Searcy. "(c) Terms of the district court for the Texarkana division shall T°"”S' be held at Texarkana on the second Monda s in May and November; for the Fort Smith division, at Fort Smitli on the second Mondays in January and June; and for the Harrison division, at Harrison on the second Mondays in April and October. " (d) The clerk of the court for the western district shall main- °m°°S °'°‘°'k· tain an office in charge of himself or a deputy at Texarkana, Fort Smith, and Harrison. Such offices shall be kept open at all times for the transaction of the business of the court. _ _ " (3 The eastern district shall include four divisions constituted Eamm districf as fo ows: The eastern division, which shall include the territory mmm dMS'°”‘ embraced on July 1, 1920, in the conmties of Desha, Lee, Phillips, Saint Francis, Cross, Monroe, and Woodruff ; the northern division, N°’“’°"‘ ‘“"Si°¤· which shall include the territory embraced on such date in the counties of Independence, Cleburne, Stone, Izard, Sharp, and Jackson; the Jonesboro division, which shall include the territory embraced on ’°” b°'° ‘“"s*°“· such date in the counties of Crittenden, Clay, Craighead, Greene, _ Mississippi, Poinsett, Fulton, Randolph, and Lawrence; and the w°°““`° ‘“"""“· western division, which shall include the territo embraced on such date in the counties of Arkansas, Ashley, Braliiey, Chicot, Clark, Cleveland, Conway, Dallas, Drew, Faulkner, Garland, Grant, Hot Springs, Jefferson, Lincoln, Lonoke, Montgome , Perry, Pope, Prairie, Pulaski, Saline, Van Buren, White, and Ylell. " (f) Terms of the district court for the eastern division shall be T°"“"· held at Helena on the second Monday in March and the first Monday in October; for the northern division at Batesville on the fourth Monday in May and the second Monday in December; for the Jonesboro division, at Jonesboro on the first Monday in May and the fourth Monday in November; and for the western division, at Little Rock on the first Monday in April and the third Monday in October. m " (g) The clerk of the court for the `eastern district shall main- ° °°’°‘°1“"" tain an omce in charge of himself or a deputy at Helena, Batesvillg Jonesboro, and Little Rock. Such offices shall be kept open at a times for the transaction of the business of the court. ’ Sec. 2. The followin Acts are here}.;-y repealed: _ ·*°‘° '°*’°°‘°"· (a) The Act entitled “Au Act to x the time for holding the V°‘-38·¥’-m· term of the district court in the Jonesboro division of the eastern district of Arkansas/' approved September 9, 191}; and (b) The Act entitled ‘An Act to transfer certain counties in the V°*·¤’·$»v·¤°°· several judicial districts in the State of Arkansas,” approved March 4, 1915. . Approved, April 12, 1924. Aurili 1924. CHAP 88.-An Act To authorize the deposit of certain funds in the {H-_R?'472.l Treasury of the United States to the credit of ‘Navajo Tribe of lndians and to [P¤bh°» N°· 72-l make same available for appropriation for the benefit of said Indians. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the N.m,;,,m,m_ United States of America in Omagress assembled, That the sum of mg?} ,,:{’,°C§_' $995 derived from the sale of land allotted to Pete Coberly a Navajo ==rl¤¥d‘¤?°¥•T$•pa¤¤4 Indian, who has been adjudged by the Secertary of the linterior to
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