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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/123

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92 SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 88-91. 1924. be le all dead and to have died without heirs, may be depositedin the 'Ureagury of the United States to the credit of the N_ava]o Tribe of Indians and is hereby made available for appropriation by Congress for the benefit of said Indians. Approved, April 12, 1924. April 12*19% . .—— n t To uthorize the Secre of the Interior to sell cer- ‘

 tai(i:iE$i§s ?1?>'l2 loiikxgefiieedecial for the Rapid Citytlhydian School.

. . . Be it enacted b the Senate and House of Representatives of the Sc1!igdl?S.I`?)2k?. kdm United States of in Congress assembled That the Secretary ,0’f,‘g';,,‘§ g’°““d‘ °'· of the Interior is hereby authorized to sell and convey at not less ` than their appraised value, under rules and reggllation to prescribed by him, two parcels of land included wit the Rapid City Indian School Grounds, South Dakota, the first containing approximately fifty-five one-hundredths of an acre in the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, section 4, township 1 north, range 7 east, Black Hills meridian, lying south and east of the Penmngton County Highway; the second, containing approximate] three and fifty-nine one-hundredths acres in the southeast corner og the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, section 8, township 1 north, range 7 east, Black Hills meridian, lying south and east of the Rapid City, Black Hills and Western Railroad PP*wi¤•> · ammblmr rifght of way: Provided, That the net proceeds derived from the sale semi improvements. o these tracts shall be available for appropriation for improvements at said Rapid City Indian School. Approved, April 12, 1924. ?§ljHR1?£·;7°§' CHAP. 90.-An Act Providing for the reservation of certain lands in New

 Mexico for the Indians of the Zia Pueblo.

. Be it enacted b the Senate and House o Re resentatives o the >:?§e121°bl° i°m°m’ United States of A/merica in Congress assemUZed,?l`hat there is hgreby °,j*"”°"°s°"°‘*'°'“"° reserved and withdrawn from settlement, occupancy, or disposal under the laws of the United States and set apart as a reservation for the benefit, use, and occupancy of the Indians of the Zia Pueblo the tract of land in the State of New Mexico particularly described Description. as follows: Lots 4, 5 and 6 and east half southwest uarter section 7 ; lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 and east half northwest quarter and east half southwest quarter section 18, all in township 15 north, range 2 east, New Mexico principal meridian, New Mexico, containing a proximately three hundred and eighty-six and eighty·1‘;ive one-hunciiedths acres. Approved, April 12, 1924. Avril i2·m’· CHAP. 91.-An Act To validate certain t

 Indians on the Lac Courte Oreille Indian Reservgisibxfuiiinigistibngd made to

_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ,n§*?,j¤ C‘;,“{§°g,,,‘,¥§*§,i,‘f United States of America in Congress assembled, That an allot- Wishommw www ments of land to Indians on the Lac Courte Oreille Indian Iireservaimnms tmnmaea. tion in Wisconsin, and the restricted fee patents issued therefor. · under the provisions of article 3 of the treaty of September 30, 1854 V<>1-1¤·v~1¤°- (Tenth Statutes at Large, page 1109), which are in conflict with the provisions of the treaty because of the fact that the allottee was under twenty-one years of age and not the head of a family when allotted, or because the allottee was a female and married but not the head of a family when allotted, be, and the same are hereby, validated. Approved, April 12, 1924.