SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 477. 1925. 1237 proved February 9, 1907, and an Act to provide for registration of all cases of tuberculosis in the District of Columbia, for free t ”{!*b°*°g,1°SiS fem examination of sputum in suspected cases, and for preventing the ¤i*iiii1’3i:i.12<s. spread of tuberculosis in said District of Columbia, approved May 13, 1908, under the direction of the health officer of said District, manufacture of serums, including their use in indigent cases, and for 1¤f¤¤t¤c paralysis. the prevention of infantile paralysis and other communicable dis- °t°' eases, including salaries or compensation for personal services, when ordered in writing by the commissioners and necessary for the enforcement and execution of said Acts, and for the prevention of such other communicable diseases as hereinbefore provided, purchase and maintenance of necessary horses, wagons, and harness, purchase Smallpox nospam, of reference books and medical journals, and maintenance of quar- °t° antine station and smallpox hospital, $39,260: Provided, That any Qqfgblmm 8 bacteriologist employed under this appropriation may be assigned amiiiimm. x` by the health officer to the bacteriological examination of milk and ’ other dairy products and of the water supplies of dairy farms, and to such other sanitary work as in the judgment of the health officer will promote the public health, whether such examinations be or . be not directly related to contagious diseases. mmm WMS GW For isolating wards for m1nor contagious diseases at Garfield gid _¤¤d Pr¤vii1¤¤¤¤ Memorial and Providence Hospitals, maintenance, $12,000 and °s°`°°`S' $8,000, respectively, or so much thereof as in the opinion of the oommissioners may be necessary; in all, $20,000. , For the maintenance of a dispensary or dispensaries for the treat- ve'£;¤r*;°$g°“‘{,°:;s€s {gl ment of indigent persons suffering from tuberculosis and of indigent pensaries persons suffering from venereal diseases, including payment for personal service and supplies, $14,500: Provided, That the commis- swim sioners may accept such volunteer services as they deem expedient in connection with the establishment and maintenance of the dis- _ _ pensaries herein authorized: Provided further, That this shall not Pay ¤’°*“*"*‘°°· be construed to authorize the expenditure or the payment of any money on account of any such volunteer service. _ _ _ For maintenance of disinfecting service, including salaries or com- D“*"‘°°“¤¤ S°'“°*’· pensation for personal services when ordered in writing by the commissioners and necessary for maintenance of said service, and for purchase and maintenance of necessary horses, wagons, and harness, 5,880. For enforcement of the provisions of an Act to provide for the $,§{";,,“f§,f’{l§f’· drainage of lots in the District of Columbia, approved May 19, Anmmeae or mn- 1896, and an Act to rovide for the abatement o nuisances in the ‘°§‘,°(§§$·,,,_,,_,,,_ District of Columbia [by the commissioners, and for other purposes, a roved A ril14 1906 $2 000. PI}? or special seryices iin iconnection with the detection of the ,,0I',QS°f’°• °°°‘· °°“”°'“‘ adulteration of drugs and of foods, including candy and milk, $200. BAc·rn1zioLoo1cA1. msonaronr ,,?,‘§§Y°"°l°g‘°“] 1“b°' . For maintaining and keeping in good order, and for the purchase M°i“°°‘““’°°·°‘°‘ of reference books and scientific periodicals, $750. Apparatus, equi ment, cost o installation, supplies, and other expenses incidental, to the biological and serological diagnosis of disease 750. , $ cnnuicnn LABORATORY °h°mi°“"°b°'°t°”' For maintaining and keeping in good order, and for the purchase M"“‘“"““°°’ °‘°‘ of reference books and scientific periodicals, $1,000.