1238 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 477. 1925. Dairvfarma . DAIRY FARM INSPECTION Inspection expenses. For necessary expenses of inspection of dairy farms, including Arnlap.1004, necessary traveling expenses, $3,150. ,,,§’,§f’{,§{,’fg mk “"“` For contingent expenses incident to the enforcement of an Act to V<>r 28· P- 71°· regulate the sale of milk in the District of Columbia, and for other 1·*eea,ee¤uy,eze. purposes, approved March 2, 1895; an Act relating to the adultera- V°l‘ 3°’ p"‘ 2*6* 3% tion of foods and drugs in the District of Columbia, approved February 17, 1898; an Act to prevent the adulteration of candy in the $g{°32°g_L?g`§j District of Columbia, approved May 5, 1898; an Act for preventing the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or misbranded or poisonous or deleterious foods, druvs, medicines, and liquors, and for regulating traiiic therein, and for other purposes, approved Jime 30, 1906, $1,000. . °‘°m°°°”· For maintenance, including personal services, of the public crem- . atory, $3,440. P°‘“‘d· For the maintenance of one motor vehicle for use in the pound service, $400. For equipping, maintaining, and operating the motor ambulance, · _ _ and keeping it in good order, $600. icfmld “"‘°“° “°"' For maintaining a child hygiene service, including the establishmM;i¤:§,¤£¤ggc¤f Wd- ment and maintenance of chi d welfare stations for the clinical ° ° ’ examinations, advice, care, and maintenance of children under six _ years of age, ayment for personal services, rent, fuel, periodicals, 5[,‘{,‘Q”,,°,;, 8,,,,,,,, and supplies, §25,000: Provided, That the commissioners may accept such volunteer services as they may deem expedient in connection _ with the establishment and maintenance of the service herein author- N° my “""‘°’”°°‘ ized: Provided further, That this shall not be construed to authorize the expenditure or the payment of any money on account of any such volunteer service. °°“"S "“d ""’°"S‘ COURTS AND PRISONS ’“"°““° °°““‘ Jmmxrnn comrr S°"-"‘°‘· Salaries: For personal services in accordance with the Classifica- _ tion Act of 1923, $45,000. M“°°“““°°““· Miscellaneous: For compensation of jurors, $900. For transportation and traveling expenses to secure the return of _ absconding probationers, $300. ,,,;*§_,‘{?,'},,°‘{§’,,{f“,§{‘g‘ff‘f‘,°,,‘} The disbursing officer of the District of Columbia is authorized to S¢<>¤di¤¤ ¤=¤¤¤°i¤¤¤¤· advance to the chief probation officer of the juvenile court, upon requisition previously approved by the `udge of the `uvenile court and the auditor of the District of Columbia, sums oil money not to exceed $50 at any one time, to be expended for transportation and traveling expenses to secure the return of absconding probationers, and to be accounted for monthly on itemized vouchers to the accoimting officer of the District of Columbia. Mm ‘°l“'°”· °‘°‘ For meals of `urors and of prisoners temporarily detained at court awaiting trial, $100. e Rm- For rent, $2,000. F¤=¤i*·¤¤·•¤*¢· For furniture, fixtures, equipment, and repairs to the courthouse and grounds, $500. °`°¤°i¤¢¢¤$°¤>¢¤S°¤· For fuel, ice, gas, laundry work, stationery, printing, books of reference, periodicals, typewriters and repairs thereto. binding and rebinding, preservation of records, mops, brooms, land buckets, removal of ashes and refuse, telephone service, traveling expenses, and other incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, $2,500.