SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 477. 1925. 1239 POLICE GQURT Police Court. Salaries: For personal services in accordance with the Classiiica- Salariestion Act of 1923, $90,774, including compensation in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923 for two additional judges and such _ ’1`w¤ additional other court employees, within the limit of available funds, as the court luiiiiid, p. me. may determine to be necessary, and of said sum $6,530 shall be available immediately: Provided, That in addition to the sums here- P’°°?·9· inafter appropriated for the expenses of said court and for any of Addm°”°] °‘°°”°°° said purposes there is further appropriated the sum of $22,800, of which $12,600 shall be available immediately. For printing, law books, books of reference, directories, periodi- °°¤°*”¤°¤*°¤P¤¤¤¤¤- cals, stationery, binding and rebinding, preservation of records, typewriters and repairs thereto, fuel, ice, gas, electric lights and power, telephone service, laundry work, removal of ashes and rubish, mops, brooms, buckets, dusters, sponges, painter’s and plumber’s supplies, toilet articles, medicines, soap and disinfectants, United States flags and halyards, and all other necessary and incidental expenses of every kind not otherwise provided for, $6,000. _ For witness fees, $2,500. {miami For furniture, furnishings, and fixtures, and repairing and m°'°°° replacing same, $500. For lodging, meals and accommodations of jurors and of bailiifs in attendance upon them when ordered by the court, $200. For compensation of jurors, $12,000. ;,":°;,s;S°;°‘buu For repairs and alterations to building, $4,000. D ° di"' MUN1c11{A1. comrr Mmmm °°m’ Salaries: For personal services in accordance with the Classifica— S°l°“°°‘ gon Act of 1923, including $300 additional for presiding judge, 54,000. For compensation of jurors, $5,750: Provided, That deposits i=i}'.,`},'E,$`;,,°f°‘ made on demands for jury trials in accordance with rules prescribed ,,S’§,§¤g§;Qg;*d°{0§•g¤`;_>1% by the court under authority granted in section 11 of the Act trays, 41 132 approved March 3, 1921 (Forty-first Statutes, page 1312), shall be ‘ "" " earned unless, prior to three days before the time set for such trials, including Sundays and legal holidays, a new date for trial be set by the court, cases be discontinued or settled, or demands for jury trials be waived. _· _ For lodging, meals, and accommodations for jurors and deputy my °*¤°¤*°$· United States marshals, while in attendance upon them, when ordered by the court, $100. R t t For rent of building, $3,6005 _ _ _ _ °° ’° °` For fixtures, repairs to furniture, repairs to building, and repazrs to building equipment, to be expended under the direction 0 the presiding judge, $1,500. _ · Cm. tu M For contingent expenses, including books, law books, books of ""°" *"’ · reference, fuel, light, telephone, blanks, dockets, and all other neces- Sary miscellaneous items and supplies, $4,000. sornmur; corsirr, DISTRICT or conmrnra s°p"°“‘° °°""* Salaries: Chief justice, $8,000; five associate justices, at $7,500 S“"“"“°‘· each; six stenographers, one for the chief justice and one for each associate justice, $11,160; in all, $56,660. _ Furs or wrrzcrssrsz For fees of witnesses and payment of the }§*g§°;;°f·b_,,,_ p_,,,,,_ actual ex nses of witnesses in said court as provided by section 850, Revised gfatutes of the United States, $25,000. Flms or Jmzoas: For fees of jurors, $55,000. "“'“”·