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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/129

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98 SIXTY·EIGHTH CGNGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 107-110. 1924. be excepted from such survey and from the grant herein made land coveredp by the Tongue River and the new channel thereof, _ m'f¤*•¤¤¤{,°<**°*P°**‘i° Which patent shall be issued upon the express condition that mu the county of Custer shall use said tract of land as an fair ground for gzwhgn fm mm the beneiit of the citizens of said county: Profvzded, That whenever usunv said lands cease to be used by said county for use as a fair ground or are attempted to be sold or conviyed, then, and in that event, title to such lands and the whole thereo shall revert to the United States: sgvéoigw ¤¤¤¤**=’· *‘°· Provided further, That such patent shall contain a_reservation to ' the United States of all gas, oil, coal, and other mineral deposits that may be found in such land and the right to the use of the land for extracting and removing the same. Approved, April 15, 1924. ` Aligiiifiellx Sgt?. 108.-An Act To amend section 84 of the Penal Code of the United


_ Be it enacted by- the Senate and House of Re esentatioes of the $‘,§§'}'*‘§2l °°‘l°’ mr, United States of America in Congress assembleefr That section 84 of » P . . . ¤¤¤¤d•d- the Act entitled "An Act to codify, rev1se, and amend the penal laws of the United %ta%es," agpiiloved Marcll: 4,t1909 (Th(§§-fourth Stati utes, page 1088 , e, an the same is ere y, amen so as to rea _ as follows: ,,,2*,}: ‘“‘° "““‘“l “" _" Sec. Whoever hunt, trap, cagture, willfully disturb, or i >¤gg¤£*· kill any bird or wild animal of any kmd w atever, or take or destroy on., _ " {Ihe eggs of ainy inggh bird on adny langs of thebUn§je.d States · ave _ se ap or reserve as re uges or ree g groun or such birds or ammals by any law, proclamation, or Executive order, except under such rules and regu ations as the Secreta of Agriculture may, from tune to time, prescribe, or who shalll willfully injure, molest, or destroy any property of the United States on any such lands shall be fined not more than $500, or imprisoned not more than six months, or both." Approved, April 15, 1924.

 CHAP. 109.-An Act To complete the constgiction of the Willow Creek

lP“*"’°·N°·88·l Ranger Station, Montana. _ d mk Lie it enacted by the_Senate and House of Representattves of the N{g"m'·;, Fg{,’&,,’Mm_ United_States of Amerzea an Congress assembled, That the Secretary Clegéipn 83: Willcw of Agriculture is hereby authorized to expend, out of any moneys °' approplriated for general expenses of the Forest Service, not to exceed the sum of 500 to complete the construction of the Willow Creek ranger station in the Lewis and Clark National Forest, Montana. Approved, April 15, 1924.

 CHAP. 1_10,——-An Act To repeal that part of an Act entitled "An Act maklP¤¤¤¤· M·89-l ing appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending

ilune 30, 1912," approved March 4, 1911, relating to the admission of tickmfested cattle from Mexico into Texas. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re resentatives 0 the "§_§°,g}‘§’°;§,;‘§,l,,°§(§*"§,,, United States of America in Congress assembgzd, That that fpart g_§¤g%;gB{r,gg;2g4¤r of an Act entitled “An Act making appropriations for the Departvsi. 36, p. mo, re- ment of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912," ap- “’“°d· proved March 4, 1911 (Thirty-sixth Statutes at Large, at page