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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/128

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SIXTYJEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 106, 107. 1924. 97 distant therefrom one thousand six hundred and sixty feet; thence north thirty-six degrees no minutes west one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five feet; thence north sixty-eight degrees ten minutes east one thousand one hundred and five feet; thence north eighty-eight degrees forty minutes east three hundred and eighty feet; thence south fifty-nine degrees five minutes east three hundred and seventy-five feet; thence south twenty-eight degrees thirty-five minutes east three hundred and sixty-five feet; thence south twelve degrees fifty minutes east two hundred and eighty-five feet; thence south fourteen degrees ten minutes west two hundred and fifteen feet; thence south forty degrees twenty-five minutes west three hundred and twenty-five feet; thence south forty-six degrees twenty-five minutes west five hundred and five feet; thence south twenty-nine degrees thirty minutes west three hundred and ninety feet to the point of beginning. containing forty-eight and three-tenths acres, more or less. That this grant is made upon the payment of $1.25 per acre, and P•v¤··¤*M¤¤•¤· before patent may issue the Secretary of the Interior shall cause a survey to be made of the tract herein granted, and that there shall be excepted from such survey and from the grant herein made the land covered by the Tongue River. Said patent shall be issued u(pon the exlpress condition that the ,,c'*`p‘}“‘;°“*°'*•¤•v¤'>· city of Miles City shall use said tract of and for municipal pur- ` poses as a public park for the benefit of the citizens of said city: Provided, That whenever said lands shall cease to be used by said he m_ city for municipal purposes or attempted to be sold or conveyed, wm then, and in that event, title to such lands and the whole thereof mum, dapuwm shall revert to the United States: Provided further, That such servedpatent shall contain a reservation to the United States of all gas, oil, coal, and other mineral deposits as may be found in such land and the right to the use of the land for extracting and removing the same. Approved. April 15, 1924. A {115,1 . CHAP. 107.-An Act Granting to the county of Custer, State of Montana, certain land in said county for use as a fair ground. [Pub · N•>· 86- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Pummmd! United States of America in Oongreaa assembled, That the Secretary umm of cum: of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to °°‘“"’·M°“‘· convey by patent to the county of Custer, State of Montana, for use as a fair ground, the followingl tract of public land: Beginning at a point whic is south five degrees thirty minutes D°°°‘*P”°¤· west of the center of section thirty-three, township eight north, range forty-seven east, of Montana principal meridian, and distant therefrom two thousand two hundred and eighty feet; thence south forty-one degrees thirty minutes west one thousand and eighty feet; thence north seventy-three degrees twenty minutes west one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five feet; thence north sixteen degrees forty minutes east two thousand three hundred and seventy·five feet; thence north sixty-eight degrees ten minutes east three hundred and forty feet; thence south thirty-five degrees forty-five minutes east two thousand six hundred and fifty-five feet, to the point- of beginning, containing ninety-six and one-tenth acres, more or less. That this grant is made upon the payment of $1.25 per acre, and mP¤v¤¤¤* ¤¤¤¤¤•°· before patent may issue the Secretary of the Interior shall cause a ` survey to be made of the land herein granted, and that there shall