1336 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 556. 1925. D§c¤§=>¤ 0* Y¤¤l¤¤¤d · BUREAU or Yanns AND DOCKS C·>¤¤¤¤¤¤*· For contingent expenses and minor extensions and improvements of public works at navy yards and stations, fiscal year 1925, $50,000. I¤¤*¤¤¤¤°f*h¤N¤V¥- INCREASE or THE NAVY ,,é`L°¤¤¥F9¤" “d For continuing the construction of the United States ships Lex- Additwnsl appmpri- ington and Saratoga as authorized by law and in accordance with °"°'"°" the terms of the treaty providing for the limitation of naval armament, $14,000,000; toward the equipment of such ships with aircraft and aircraft accessories, $3,000,000; in all, $17,000,000, which sum Anu.pp.B81.8¤2· shall be transferred to and merged with the appropriation “Increase of the Navy," contained in the Naval Appropriation Act, approved February 11, 1925. Swigger www M On account of hulls, outfits, machinery, armor, armament, and ccmmzaéa, ac. ammunition for river gnmboats and scout cruisers authorized in the ""‘°* *’·"°· Act entitled “An Act to authorize alterations to certain naval vessels and to provide for the construction of additional vessels," approved December 18, 1924, $4,000,000, to be available July 1, 1925. i,,§"'°°" °' E"‘”"‘°" ENGINEERING . d,';‘;$f ,,Q°' The limitation specified in the Naval Approipriation Act for the 4***- P· · fiscal year 1926 on expenditures for clerical.dra ing, inspection, and — messenger service from the appropriation “Engmeering," is increased by the sum of $100,000. ugwéwmm CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR or VESSELS Limit *¤¤¤¤‘*°$* ’°* The limitation specified in the Naval A ro riation Act for the °1°ZiiiZi>i(i$i0. fiscal year 1926 on expenditures for clerildsil, grafting, inspection, watchmen (ship keepers), and messen er service from the appropriation “Construction and Repair of %Tessels," is increased by the sum of $100,000. mg? om Dorm- POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OUT or THE Posmr. Rrzvnmms Exam, ¤%¤pr<> The appropriations for salaries, compensation, and allowances of i°ozcf°ism°ii.¤ai¤€:i§ stmasters and employees in the Postal Service, contained in Title °'j“,,‘}2‘$_ .,,,1 II of the Act entitled “An Act makinfg appreipriations for the k:p&gc¤b1¤¢¤ re- Treasury and Post Office Departments or the scal year ending ° .4m,p?iii;a June 30, 1926, and for other purposes," approved January 22, 1925, shall become immediately availa le upon the approval of this Act for the payment of salaries, compensation, and allowances of postmasters and employees in the Postal Service at rates authorized by law subsequently to January 22, 1925, including lawfully authorized retroactive payments. df,§‘,’,g‘;§’ ’ Damage claims: To pay claims for damages to or losses of V0,_,2_,,_ wm gréivately-owned property ad]usted and determined by the Post ce Department, under the provisions of the Act entitled “An Act to provide a method for the settlement of claims arising against the Government of the United States in sums not exceedin $1,000 in any one case,” approved December 28, 1922, as fully set Iorth in House Documents Numbered 569, 601, and 628, Sixty-eighth Congress, $16,506.04.