SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 556. 1925. 1337 CONTINGENT nxrmrsns, POST orrrcn DEPARTMENT For printing and binding for the Post Office Department, includ- _ rrmciuz me meing all of its bureaus, offices, institutions, and services located in mg' · Washington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, fiscal year 1925, $315,000. ormcn or POSTMASTER onN1·:rzAL For payment of rewards for the detection, arrest, and conviction R°w"d°’°t°' of post—oifice burglars, robbers and highway mail robbers, fiscal PWM year 1924, $17,000: Provided, That rewards may be aid, in the dis- Dem ciniiender. cretion of the Postmaster General, when an offend)er of the class mentioned was killed in the act of committing the crime or in resisting lawful arrest: Provided further, That no part of this sum L*“*”““°“· shall be used to pay any rewards at rates in excess of those specified in Post Office Department Order 7708, dated July 1, 1922. ` ormon or THE FIRST ASSISTANT r·osTMAsTnx GENERAL g}j§l§f;'}’ I’°¤'· For compensation to postmasters, fiscal year 1923, $7,946.90. *’°“”“‘S“’”· For temporary and auxiliary clerk hire and for substitute clerk- C'°""· °‘°- hire for clerks and employees absent with pay at first and second class post offices and tem orar and auxiliary clerk hire at summer and winter resort post oHi)ces, fiyscal year 1923, $3,102.28. Forcompensation to clerks and em loyees at first and second class post offices, including auxiliary clerk hire at summer and winter post offices, fiscal year 1925, $1,580,000. _ For pay of substitutes for letter carriers absent with pay, and giiiiiiidliiliiirgirriers, of auxiliary and temporary letter carriers at offices where city de- °‘°- livery is already established, for the fiscal years that follow: For 1923, $900.45; For 1924, $9,644.69. _ For miscellaneous items necessary and incidental to post offices M'S°°u“°°"‘°‘ of the first and second classes, fiscal year 1925, $26,000. For fees of special—de1ivery messengers for the fiscal years that S"°°“" °°""°"'°°“· follow: For 1923, $311.42; For 1924, $833,70833. _ For car fare and bicycle allowance, including special-delivery €¤¤¤• wd b*¤v¤¤¤=- car fare, fiscal year 1925, $25,000. _ _ For pay of letter carriers, City Delivery Service, fiscal year 1925, Lamf ¢=¤f¤¤¤· $1,920,000. orrrcn or Tim SECOND ASSISTANT rosrmasrnu orzmmxr. P§’S§,‘j,‘;S‘}‘§,’},{,$“‘ For- inland trans rtation by railroad routes and for mail mes- m§‘s§g§;,’§§Sg§;‘,f,‘;$ md senger service, fiscalxyear 1925, $3,500,000: Proeided, That separate gmia accounting accounts be kept of the amount expended for mail messenger SBPVICB. _ _ _ ' Not to exceed $500,000 of the appropriation for railroad trans- ‘“’ ""*“’°"“°°· portation and mail messenger service contained in the Treasury and _ , _ Post Office Departments Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1926 ,b§§‘,§§§f’p““"°“ "‘““" shall be available to meet such contracts as the Postmaster General -¤·*¢·P·"$$· may enter into during the fiscal year 1926 under the Act entitled "An Act to encourage commercial aviation and to authorize the Postmaster General to contract for air mail service,” approved Feb- Pr _ ruary 2, 1925: Provided, That separate accounts shall be kept of the S,,@,; m,,,m,,,,g amounts expended for contract air mail service: Provzded furtfzer, mid ml That $25.,000 shall be available for the payment for personal services ° °“’°“°“‘ in the District of Columbia, printing, incidental and travel expenses.