1338 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 556. 1925. . R¤*¤W¤Y Mw Bm- For fifteen division superintendents, fifteen assistant division mnivaaea supemaen- superintendents, two assistant superintendents, one assistant superind°““**"’“°““°l’°°°‘ tendent in char e of car contruction, one hundred and twenty-one g _ _ Y chief clerks, one hudred and twenty-one assistant chief clerks, clerks in charge of sections in_the offices of division superintendents, railway postal clerks, substitute railway postal clerks, ]o1nt employees, _ and laborers in the Railway Mail Service, fiscal year 1925, $500,000. ,,,,El°°“‘° °“d °“°l° For electric and cable car service, fiscal year 1925, $15,000. D°"‘““"°'“°'S“""· DEPARTMENT OF STATE GONTIIIGENT nxrmvsns, romncn mss1oNs m,‘§§§§,‘§“°“°“°°““· For contingent expenses of foreign missions, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appropriations _ for the Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, and Labor for ,,,2$Ci”°"‘°“S’ the fiscal year 1925, household furniture and furnishings, and repairs, alterations, and structural changes in the embassy premises in Mexico City, fiscal year 1925,. $66,800, of which sum $45,800 shall remain available until June 30, 1926. l TRANSPORTATION or nrrroimyrrc AND coNsULA1z ormcmzs ,, °”' °°°‘ To pay the itemized and verified statements of the actual and necessary expenses of transportation and subsistence, under such regulations as the _Secretary of State may prescribe, of diplomatic, consular, and foreign service officers, and c erks in embassies, legations, and consulates, including officers of the ·UH1t8d States Court for China, and their families and effects in going to and returning frcém thegr Iposés, or of surphsofiiceri and clerks when traveling under or ers o the ecretary o tate ut not including any expense incurred in connection with leaves bf absence, Hscal year 1925, $50,000: @$8 on mma Provided, That no part of said sum shall be paid for transportation ships mmemn. on foreign vessels without a certificate from the Secretary of State that tghere are no Almerican vessels on which such officers and clerks may e transporte . rxrnnxarioxan onmoivrzoxs, commissions, nmzmns, AND so FORTH C¤¤° Spam USM- Cape Spartel Light, coast of Morocco: For annual proportion of the expenses of Cape Slpartel and Tangier Lights on the coast of _ _ Morocco, including oss y exchange, fiscal §ear 1925, $16. m{g*g$:;,$.f1,*{mgF**· International Institute of Agriculture: or the payment of the Qu¤t¤,•tp..¤dmittinz uota of the United States for the calendar year 1925 incident to d°"°“d°“°’°“‘ ghe admission of the dependencies of Hawaii, the Philippine Islands, Prom Iforto Rico, and the Virgin Islands to membership in the Interna- Bagmémnbhmm tional Institute of Agriculture, $1,600: Provzded, That the remain- Mm'? mg $4,800 of this quota may be paid from the appropriation for the ' pgtymenz of php qpptzz. offtlzp Unified Stptes {lor the support of the mL’i.?ZIi°'£3 thi-islielti 'Zn‘€ai,ag"€?$i“£`Z{$t &2i§n§°§‘§$¥i§EiZ§i2s1i$? the Departments of State and Justice and for the `udiciarv and for the Departments of Commerce and Labor for the fiscal vear endling June 30, 1925, and for other purposes,” approved May 28, 192 . Ad*“**°¤¤* ¤¤°*¤· For the payment of theadditional quota of the United States for the calendar year 1925 incident to the admission of the de ndencies of Hawaii, the Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, and tli; Virgin Islands to membership in the International Institute of Agriculture, in accordance with the resolutions of the general meetings of No-