SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 157. 1924. 129 credit shall (as soon as practicable after receipt of an application in accordance with the provisions of section 604, but not before Mapch 1, 1925) be paid to his dependents, in the following order of Om °'P'°'°*°¤°°- pre erence: 1) To the widow or widower if unmarried; 2 If no unmarried widow or widower, then to the children are an are a 1 e · sh (1 sh rk ’ h(3) Ilf no unmarried widow or widower, or children, then to t e mot erh(4) Ifhriq unmarried widow or widower, children, or mother, . t en to the ather. (b) For the u S of this section payments made under Bye! ¤¤1>¤¤s¤¤ Mr paragraph (2) o¥ subdivision (g) of section 301 of the War Risk mii¤ii°·iitp,1¤z;, Insurance Act shall not be considered payments made by the United States on account of the death of the veteran. nsrnnnnncr. D°P°¤d°¤¤Y· Sec. 602. (a) No payment shall be made to any individual under P¤=S¤¤=r>*i¤¤ efthig unlegs at ghe time of the death of the veteran such m V1 was epen ent. b For the puigmses of this section: _ 1 A child o the veteran shall be presumed to have been Ch“"°¤d°* 18- dleyiizlndent upon him at th; time of his death if at such time such c 1 was under 18 years 0 age· (2) The widow or widower, shall be presumed to have been ggytgwmdmmut. dependent upon the veteran upon showing by them, respectively m1a.,d,m°“t°°b°““°` the marital cohabitation; the father and mother, respectively, shal xbmit Ender oath a statement of the dependency, to be filed with e app cation. rarmmiwr ur INSTALLMENTS. mgzfmnt i¤ *¤¤*¤“· Sec. 603. The payments authorized by section 601 shall be made m'f;’_ b° mm qw in ten equal quarterly installments, unless the total amount of the rw, p. 1212. payment is less than $50, in which case it shall be paid on the first I mt installment date. No payments under the provisions of this title ,;J,w§.3‘§£,§‘,‘;§%2§i,§$ shall be made to the heirs or legal representatives of any dependents entitled thereto who die be ore receiving all the installment payments, but the remainder of such payments shall be made to the ependent or dependents in the next order of preference under D t ¥tion 601. All payments under this title shall be made by the l"°°°' °°°" t . Imc or arrmcurrou nr nnrnnnnm. p$gg’,§{*f°“°¤ by “°‘ Sm. 604. a) A dependent may receive the benefits to which he is ""{u"gm°d fm D? entitled unddr this title by tiling an application therefor with the Egitseiviwii mms Secretary of War, if the last service o the veteran was with the military forces, or with the Secretary of the Navy, if his last Service was with the naval forces. T. umm pp, (b) Applications for such benefits, whether vested or contingent, m_"°T’ °" " shall be made by the dependents of the veteran on or before January E ti , · 1, 1928; except that in case of the death of the veteran during the mp °°` six months immediately preceding such date the application shall be made at any time within six months after the death of the Paymmmywm Veteran. Payments under this title shall be made only dependents required appucmm wlacéihave made application in accordance with the provisions of this “‘“"°‘ su vision. (c) An lication shall be made (1) personally by the dependent P°”°¤*;“rY W d°· or (2) in gg; hysical or mental incapacity prevents the making;} i°1?Z?§1:i'pay¤¤uy inf- 3 personal application, then by such representatwe of the depen t °°°° °‘