130 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 157. 1924, and in such manner as the Secretary of War and the Secretary of 9**** ¤¤P“°¤“°¤¤ the Navy shall jointly by regulation prescr1be._ An application we made by a re resentative other than one authorized by any such regulation shall be held void. Resl-1l¤¥i¤¤¤ ¤¤ be (di The Secretary of 1Var and the Secretary of the Navy shall m°d°° joint y make any regulations necessary to the eiiicient administration of the provisions of this section. cagjransmittal of appli- TRANSMITTAL OF APPLICATION. 1011. Certihgzaw or wm- Sec. 605. Sa) As soon as practicable after the receipt of a valid
- 1i°i§?fi$°i>ii)ei»)¢°¤li°°s- application the Secretary of War or the_Secretary of the Navy, as
the case may be, shall transmit to the Director the application and a. certificate setting fortheomms of was- (1) The name {sind address of the applicant, _ _ Mw- (2) That the individual upon whom the applicant bases his claim to ayment was a veteran; _ (iii) The name of such veteran and the date and place of his bii·th· and (4), The amount of the adjusted service credit of the veteran, together with the facts of record in the department upon which such above conclusions are based. _ _ Benefits me¤aea_¢¤ (b) Upon receipt of such certificate the _Du·ector shall proceed ggg*gg§¤* °” '°°°"" to extend to the applicant the beneHts(prov1ded m this title if the ' Director finds that the applicant is the ependent entitled thereto. mamma. ASSIGNIIENTS. No me as~=iz¤¤¤1¤» Sm. 606. No right to payment under the provisions of this title °°°‘ shall be assignable or serve as security for any loan. Any assignment or loan made in violation of the provisions of this section Payments i-gamma. shall be held void. The Director shall not make any payments imder this title to an person other than the dependent or such representative of the dyependent as the Director shall by regulation prescribe. Deiinltions. DEFI N ITIONB. 1~1¤¤¤i¤s<>¤¤¤¤¤- Sec. 607. As used in this Act- ··r>¤n>e¤<i•>¤¤·" { Sa) The tegm " dependent " means a widow, widower, child, at er or mot er; ··cmm." Sb) ,The term " child " includes (1) a legitimate child; (2) a chi d legally adopted· (3) a stepchild, if a member of the veteran’s househo d; (4) an illegitimate 'child, but, as to the father only, if acknowledged in writing si ed by him, or if he has been judicially ordered or decreed to contriliiite to such child’s sup ort, or has been judicial] decreed to be the putative father of sucii child; and ··r¤z1m,*···m¤um.·· (c) The terms " father ” and “ mother " include stepfathers and ste mothers, fathers and mothers throu h ado tion and ersons P _ g P . P who have, for a period of not lem than one year, stood in loco parentis to the veteran at any time prior to the beginning of his service. Mssaeuanecus. Trim: VII.—l`IISCELLAN'EOUS Pnovisioivs. m:¤w¤¢;§£g1rga1¤f¤g;; Sec. 701. The officers having chargp of the administration of any pe¤i{§Lw.,¤¤m¤ra¤a of the provisions of this Act are authorized to appoint such officers, employees, and agents in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, and to make such expenditures for rent, furniture, office equipment, printing, binding, telegrams, telephone, law books, books of reference, stationery, motor-propelled vehicles or trucks used for official purposes, traveling expenses and per diem in lieu of subsistence at not exceeding $4 for officers, agents, and other employees, for the (