244 SIXTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 210-212. 1924. May 29. 19% CHAP. 210.-An Act To authorize the leasing for oil and gas mining pur-
poses of unallotted lands on Indian reservations affected by the proviso to sec—
[Publ"' N°' mg'] tion 3 of the Act of February 28, 1891. ¤··e··· =e~··¤·- UB? .? §?“§Z"d ,?ii”” $“"“"3 ZM Hm °’ ’1£i’Ti”8ii.2“fif.$*fi£t€£‘§ · - ‘ ie a s 0 merzca in ongress assem e _ a _ _ §§I:§£*u’§Q,é;r°g;“§§E laiid on Indian reservations other than lands of the Five Civihzed thoriwircrtenrears- Tribes and the Osage Reservation subject to lease for mining Fur- V¤1-26.1>·7¤5- poses for a period of ten years under thehpigmviso to secglon 3 0 the Act of February 28 1891 (Twenty-sixt tatutes at arge page , 795), may be leased at public auction by the Secretary of the Interior, C°”S°°°°“°d’°°S‘ with the consent of tdie council speaking for such Indians, for 011 and gas mining purposes for a period of not to exceed ten years, and as much longer thereafter as oil_or gas_ shall be found in paying I , §l¤¢¤¤¤i<>¤ ¤¤¢¤¤r- quantities, and the terms of any existing Oll and gashminingg lease may 129 . • • ‘ , m like manner be amended by extending the term thereof or as long i>lZ°&'¤i°$ii°¤ subject as oil or gas shall be found in paying quantities: Provided, That the °°S‘°“ °“°“°“· production of oil and gas and other minerals on such lands may be taxed by the State in which said lands are located in all respects the same as roduction on unrestricted lands, and the Secretar of the P . . X No mm on mam Interior is hereby authorized and_d1rected to cause to be pai the tax owner. so assessed against the royalty interests on said lands: Provided, however, That such tax shall not become a lien or charge of any kind or character agamst the land or the property of the Indian owner. Approved, May 29, 1924. iiiriwiii CHAP. 211.-An _Aet To detach Reagan County, in the State of Texas, ""`”"“’ ”°° `°°°’ ‘“%“ *"° ?‘5,“i£ "s.".‘i‘%§i'“".§ "‘*“*°‘?.‘1 i‘i.t‘°‘“‘..‘}.‘“""i“ .i’t§i°¥i‘..?.““2‘ ‘?“‘°§ saicouny e 0 vision no ernju 'ricosai State,. Unmd stm, 0,,,,,,, Bae it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ciggirggdxéwm iw- United States of America in Congress assem led, That Reagan faggnecgtggtiziiig County, m the State of Texas, be, and the .S8IZ!.lQ is hereby, detached ga'; Aggl'; d,,,,,,,,,,_ from the El Paso division of the western ]ud1c1al district of Texas andtpttachegto mails fa pacptsof the San Angelo division of the no ern ]u icia istric o said tate. a2°"i°° °{ I ’ Src. 2. That all process against persons resident in said count of Reagan and cogmzable before the United States district court shall be issued out o and made returnable to said court at San An elo, and that all prosecutions against persons for offenses committe% in Prom ?1d vpguéitrym oi Reagaq shall_ be tiiicd in lsgid couxét at San Angelo: · · ,,8,,,,, ro e a no CIV] or crimma cause n d' t ¤¤€$iii?g not the passage of this Act shall be in any waygaildeiztledlliyl itilg PI-mr 0 Approved, May 29, 1924. M ao, sm. [PLS; CHAP. 212.-Joint Resolution Authorizing and permitting the State of Ark- . ., o. .1 ausas to construct, maintain, and use permanent buildings, rifle ra , and §¢:?g=ge-gz €;q1ip0¥;l{g $1;:n(s?s{ras are necessary for the use and ben§t of the Resolved by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the bf§1,§,‘,§,,§i;‘,$·,€’,Q,‘éc, United States of America in Oongresa eisceniblegr That the Secretary u§€0g§;,,g,g;, gdugf Rf War be, and he is l;1ereby, authorized to permit the State of _rkansas to erect,_ maintain, and use such permanent buildings, r1He ranges, and utilities at Cam Pike, Arkansas within the areas E) 7 t most suitable, as are necessary or the use and benefit of the Na- 1%%} mmm u_ tional Guard of the State of Arkansas: Provided, That no expense pmt. shall accrue to the United States by reason of this authorization. Approved, May 29, 1924.