SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 213. 214. 12124. 245 CHAP. 213.-An Act Conveying to the State of Delaware certain land in M¤Y3L1924· the county of Sussex, in that State. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the United £Q°i°av;mi¤ suse: States hereby grants, quitclaims, and reconveys to the State of °‘j§‘“e£,p‘;§’,$,f°’°° ‘°· Delaware all that certain iece or arcel of land situate in Lewes ` and Broadkill Hundred, Sussex Ciiunty, and State of Delaware, bounded and described as follows: Beginnin at a stone, marked ".U. S. 1," on the beach opposite the town of iewes, Delaware, and located as follows: Bearing to Henlopen Light south eighty degrees forty minutes east; angle between Henlopen ight and §aint Peter’s zpire one hundred an fourteen degrees twenty-three minutes and fteen seconds· angle between Saint Peter’s spire and Greenhill Light eighty dggrees thirty-three minutes and fifty-five seconds; angle between reenhill Light and Upper Breakwater Light one hundred and twenty-two degrees thirty-two minutes and thirteen seconds; angle between Upper and Lower Breakwater Light nine degrees twenty-eight minutes and seventeen seconds; angle between Lower Breakwater Light and Henlopen Light thirty-three degrees two minutes and twenty seconds. Thence southerly one thousand six hundred and thirt feet, more or less, along the are of a circle of one thousand eiglit hundred and seventy-two and forty-one one-hundredths feet radius to the north side of South Street, the center of said circle, bearing south fifty-nine degrees thirteen minutes east from said stone; thence south forty-five degrees west two hundred and thirty feet, more 'or less, along said north side of South Street to lands of the United States of America; thence with said lands in a northwesterly direction one hundred and eighty feet, more or less, to a point; thence leaving said lands, northerly along the arc of a circle of two thousand one hundred and seventy-two and forty-one one-hundredths feet radius having the aforementioned center, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight feet, more or less, to a point which is three hundred feet distant from the place of beginning; thence north thirty degrees forty-seven minutes east five hundre and sevenlgyfive feet, more or less, to the low-water line of the Delaware reakwater Harbor; thence easterly along said low-water line three hundred and twenty feet, more or lessthence south thirty degrees fortty-seven minutes_west six hundred and fifty feet, more or less, to e place of begmnmg; containing sixteen and seven-tenths acres, more or less. Approved, May 31,‘ 1924. OHAP. 214.-An Act To amend section 2 of the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Appropriation Act, approved July 31, 1894. Be it enacted b the Senate and House 0 Re esentattves 0 the United States of?/America in Congress asémbgd, sectgin 2 $.'§,’u°'“°i°“,$_,L¤,$,’l,‘I,$",;% of the Le 'slative, Executive, and udicial Appropriation Act, ap- °°,;°,_,,,_p_,,,.,_ proved J ui, 31, 1894, is amended by the end thereof a new _ to I sentence to read as follows: “Retired e ed men of the Army umsalmnmeumie Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard retired for any cause, and retired "'°“ “"‘ officers of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard who have been retired for injuries received in battle or for injuries or incapxcity incurred in line of duty shall not, within the meaning of t 's section, be construed to hold or to have held an 0Ece during such retirement? Approved, May 31, 1924.