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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/387

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356 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 236-238. 1924. 1’*¤°l•·Q°*'”*°“ consent f Congress is herehy granted to the Panola-Quitman mrwhw Drainageo District to construct, maintain, and operate a dam in ms" TaIlahatchiePBiver, at or gear Pgrtglrpu Feg Panola cg10unt£§ mm. Mississippi: romded' e wor no commen im Mmmm owl-m` the plans therefor have been submitted to and approved by the _ Chief of E eers, United States Army, and by the Secretary of n¤N°i»:¤`Z»th$i¤°:}¤°lii: War: P further, That this Act shall not be construe to "'°¤"°°”*·°‘°· authorize the use of such dam to develo water power or generate P Tmof hydroelectric energy. _ _ d Sec. 2. That_ the authority granted by uns Act shall cease an be null and void unless the actual construction of the dam_ hereby authorized is commenced within one year and completed within three f’,Q"{‘§,°;,,,, mm, years from the date of approval of this Act: Provzded That from MM ¤¤ ¤¤>¢¥<>• fm and after' thirty days’ notice from the Federal Power Commission, m .ii°iliienE:¤L1§ or other authorized 8»gBHCy of the United States, to said dramage

 "°"°' "° district, or its successor, that desirable water-power development

will be interfered with by the existence of said dam, the authorit hereby granted to construct, maintain, and operate said dam l ,£,,,’$;,“°°°,,,,;",,,,§,§",§$‘?,{ terminate and be at an end · and any or icensee of the United

  • ”=·-d¤¤· States proposing to develop a pogver project egzmoar negrdsaid dgm

shall have authori to remove su me or ut' said am im er such conditionsastysaid orrgtlner agency may determine, but such conditions shall not include compensation for the removal, submergence, or utilization of said dam. A—¤°¤d*¤•¤*· Sm. 3. The x(·§‘ht to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserv - Approved, June 3, 1924. [P£n:i¤;n;$g.;%l 287.-An Act Authorizing the Postmaster General to contract for ¤- · mm messenger service. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re eaentatéves of the $‘§',,§°‘m,g,Q’°§g°°,;,,, be United States of America in Congress aeaemblzd, That hereafter

fgtgj·Y¤=¤“ postmasters may be designated by the Postmaster General as disr:::··;:·- M. §."°“5i .Y$¤°§$lhZ?5a‘°§Z.$iZ1’.??.°£I° e‘I’Ls'{,‘3.‘ia““e$2”§.i”iS “‘i$·.°*S°2S

e : an e §L?;§_“,.,r‘]“,Q'§‘§“§,'§: Thgall: in the discretion of the Postmaster %ieneral, postmasters; ¤¤r$m*¤* ¤¤·¤°¤°' assistant postmasters, and clerks at post offices of the third cl '° ‘ sind ipoetxaastiers, assistanéz pqsttxzasteris, apdfclergssat prtgst officesaiisi t ourt cass ma en er in conracs or pe orm e msi] messenger servize, andlallowance may maéde t?hlerefd1lNfro(in · the appropriations or max messenger service: rmi ed rth

  • "°°“"°"“‘"°°‘ That the total amount payable under such contract to an csggiastg?

y P 7 Bmw may mg assistant postmaster, or clerk shall not exceed $300 in any one year: anger; may contract Provided further, That hereafter special delivery messengers at {§,‘Y_“"“’ “’°“°°“°' '°"' postoffices of all classes may enter into contracts for mail messenger service. Approved, June 3, 1924. lpilillgllétégtdglml N .F%3r;;;-gn Act To_ add certain lands to the Plumas and to the Lassen i 0 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives the

  • ;¤` Unégd Sazeia lof inb00·rag§ec.g aesegzbled, That the fgllow-

1, eséaeeain. in - escri an s are ere y a to the n 'fo al f t d`- ml caged and made subject to all laws applicable to tilnitliiatiocnlallsfoillest : To the Plumas National Forest-—township 26 north, range 7 east,