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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/388

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 238-241. 1924. 357 section 6, southeast quarter; township 27 north, range 7 east, section 22, south half northeast quarter; section 23, south half northwest quarter; township 27 north, range 6 east, section 4, northeast quarter northwest quarter; township 28 north, range 6 east, section 33, west half southwest quarter, southeast quarter southwest quarter, all of Mount Diablo base and meridian. To the Lassen National Forest- im¤’ciid°cu¤f¢c. township 29 north, range 7 east, section 21, northwest quarter northeast quarter, north hal northwest quarter, southeast quarter northwest quarter; section 29, northeast quarter northwest qluarter, northeast quarter southwest quarter, northwest quarter sout east quarter; section 34, northeast quarter southeast quarter, southeast quarter northeast quarter, northeast quarter northwest quarter, west half northeast quarter, northeast quarter northeast quarter, all of Mount Diablo base and meridian. Approved, June 3, 1924. a,m4. CHAP. 239.-—An Act Authorizing payment to certain Red Lake Indian , {1%*-%] out of the tribal trust funds, for garden plats surrendered for school-farm use. lP°bH°» N°- 181-] Be it enacted Z2 the Senate and House of Re eeentativee of the United States of America in Congress aesembledfrfhat the Secretary Mig}; Lm I°°Hm' of the Interior is hereby authorized to withdraw from the Treasury mf,Q,"‘}§§,§S 2,; {f,§’,ff, of the United States not to exceed $1,000, out of moneys on deposit ¤=ke¤f¤r ¤<=¤¤¤¤f¤¤¤- to the credit of the Red Lake Indians in Minnesota, and to use the same, or as much thereof as may be necessary, in reimbursing certain Red Lake Indians whom he may find to have suffered loss through the taking of their individual garden plats, without remuneration to them, or Indian school-farm purposes. Approved. June 3. 1924. J s,m4. CHAP. 240.-—An Act To authorize acquisition of unreserved public lands in the Columbia or Moses Reservation, State of Washington, under Acts of March [P¤bu°· N°· *8*] 28, 1912, and March 3, 1877, and for other purposes. Be it enacted b the Senate and House o Re resentatives of the United States ofyzlmerica in Congress as.s;mb£d, That from and nciiiiriiizlicgfiveiiriilm after the passage of this Act all unreserved public lands within the ,,,,‘{,,'{,’,f’°({,§'§{,’,,,},°'@f,",{,'E former Columbia or Moses Reserve in the State of Washington, made ¤¤·¤*¤· Subject to acquisition under the homestead laws by the Act of Con- vo, m gress approved July 4, 1884 (Twentymhird Statutes, page 76), be, V ,‘:"‘,_, and they are hereby, made subject to acquisition under the Isolated V2, m’°' Tract (Act of March 28, 1912), Desert Land (bAct of March 3, 1877), ’°' ` and other Acts applicable generally to the pu lic domain. Approved, June 3. 1924. i June 1924. CHAP. 241.-An Act Authorizing the Secretary of Commerce to exchange (H. R3'44s1.] land formerly used as a site for the Point of Woods Range Lights, Michigan, iP“w"· N°‘ 183*] for other lands in the vicinity. Be it enacted the Senate and H once o Re entatives of the United States ofbgmerica win Congress a.s.sem§>Zed?)7·T?hdgat the Secretary Bxiiuiiigizincti. - of Commerce bc, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to grant ,,.E.P,T,,§,;.,,’%.‘:2.i‘.?‘§ and convey to Robert P. Hudson, of Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan, all of that certain lot or piece of land acquired by the United States through condemnation proceedings by an order dated January 18, 1909, of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Western District of Michigan, Northern Division, described as follows: