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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/389

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358 SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 241,242. 1924. D¤¤*1**°¤- That part of lot 1, section 25, township 45 north, range 2 east, beginning at a int marked by a stone monument bearing south forty degree fd0rty-two minutes, fifi-Oand seven one·hundredths feet distant Sfrom the center of the nt range light mast, and running north forty-six degrees, forty-seven minutes, twenty-two and thirteen one-hundredths seconds west, four hundred and eight and seventy-seven one·hundredths feet; thence north forty-three degrees, twelve minutes, thirty-seven and eighty-seven one·hun·· dredths seconds east, one hundred feet; thence south forty-six degrees, forty~seven mmu;3 twent ·two and thirteen one-hundredths seconds east, four hund and fifty-three feet, more or less, to the shore of the Saint Ma s River; thence along said shore in a southwesterly direction to Ke point of intersection of said shore with a line bearing south forty-six degrees, forty-seven minutes, twenty- two and aolne—himd(5dthshnsec0n1id€i1?ast fromdthe poigit of beginnm' ; ence ong said ast e no o —six egrees, ort - Lam b seven minutes, twenty-two and thirteen ondgnmdredths seconds _ 1;.,;,,,,; p'j°°g5”Zr,, 5 west, Eftgnfour feet, more or less to the [Hint of beginning; for and °°“'”"°"°‘°°· in consi eration of the said Robert P. udson granting and conveying to the United States in fee simple, free and c ear of all mortgages, liens, encumbrances, taxes, or claims of any kind whatmm , soever, the fol1owing—descr1bed premises: _ °°°°' That part of lot 1, section 25, townshifp 45 north, range 2 east, beginning at a point twenty feet south orty-four degrees sixteen minutes west from the center of the cast-iron mast supporting the Point of Woods Range Front Light, center of said mast being two hundred and feet north thirty-eight de¥ees lift minutes east from the location of the old front hght of the oint of §’Voods Rangethence north forty-five degrees forty-four minutes west three hundred and fifty feet; thence north forty-four degrees sixteen minutes east sixty feet more or less, to the Saint Marys River; thence southeasterly along the shore of the Saint Marys River to its intersection with a line through the point of beginning and bearing south forty- five digress forty-four minutes east· thence north forty—Eve degrees forty- our minutes west along the above line one hundred feet, more or less tohthe point of beginning, all bearings given being from the F true nort : vtaaaitc enema Provided: That the Attorney General shall first examine the title °¤¤=¤···*- of the said Robert P. Hudson to remises to be conveyed to the Comymm of me United States as aforesaid and shall furnish his written opinion in ` favor of the validity thereof: Provided further, That the said Robert P. Hudson, within such reasonable time after the passage of this bill, as may be determined by the Secretary of Commerce, shaH Mmmm of me deed to the United States the premises herein described to be conae., to be amassed veyed by him: And fprovided further, That the said Robert P. Hud- "°°·°’°· son shall furnish, ee of expense to the United States, uisite mm 6 abstracts, official certifications, and evidences of title that theuhttor- ' ney General may deem necessary, and that any expense necessa to be incurred by the United States in effectin this exchan shall be gayable from the appropriation “General expenses, lgighthouse ervice " for the fiscal years in which such expenses are incurred. Approved, June 3, 1924. June 3, 1924.

 Regm; 242.-An Act For the incorporation of the Grand Army of the

_ , Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Re resenta ’ B}§°§f§‘§}",§}"§¥,‘,; United States o£ America in 00/egress aasem]ZiZed,pThat thlgvciiiggiiigif R¢¤¤¤*¤¤ ¤¤<>¤¤’¤¤¤¤¤d· tion known as the Grand Army of the Republic, with a membership