360 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 242, 243. 1924. ment and department officers of the particular department to which `t bel . '§,°,‘§‘§§"‘}f,§°'}i,,‘,§{;,°°,‘§§ 1 Sndlni? That the corporate existence of the _Grand Army of the lit member- Republic, and the exclusive rL}ghts_ of its surviving members to wear the insignia. of membership erem, shall terminate only when the P’°””*-I last of its members dies: Provided, however, That if at any national cciitlinuod rr anliinlneil encampment hereafter held a memorial shall adopted by the vote Z$i°.°;Tm°”'° ”° M"' of three—fourths of the members present, recrting that_ because of the decrease in its membership, or because of the age and rnfirmity of its surviving members, it is no longer advisable and £rali:t1cable to hog fut re national annual encampments, such action a not opera e . degllrive said organization of of its corporate powers, but the government thereof may be mod1_ ed to provide for such contmgency, P'°"°"’ "‘h°" °‘ sub'ect to the restrictions contamed in section 3 of this Act: Proposts or deputzments ] _ _ _ , . ¤°* www- vided, That nothiragl rn this Act shall m any manner affect the right or the power of su posts or depalftinéelntsto d1sp;;se ofi or oézhervyise if t th ownershi of, property e y any po or epar men in iltsogwn (iiame, nor Iatfect the right of such tposts or departments to or e corporations under State laws for e purpose of caring for d m_ and disposing of such property. _ _ ,,,,, ‘§,,,,,,,. Sec. 7. That the national encampment may, by resolution, provide my- for the disposition and future ownership of its property and archives, and may eclare the event in which such disposition shall become effective and such ownershgp vested, ang a indy; aéithentrcagd copy _ f ch resolution shall be ed in the 0 ce 0 e upreme ourt o ¤L"s°‘°°i°‘§ §.i..i”$ l:)heSuDistrict of Columbia. _ Upon the liappeningof the event thus '·¤* @2-***- declared, and upon the Bling of a apetrtion in sa1d Supreme Court reciting said facts, said court shall the ]ur1sd1ction thereof, and upon due proof being made the court shal1_ enter a decree which sha eifectuag to {est tatlzi and ownership in accordance with the provisions o suc reso u on. _ Approved, June 3, 1924. . [lI?ll“l1l’8;%ll CHAP. 243.——An Act To create the Inland Waterways Corporation for the [Public. Ne 185-1 pur-pose of carrying out the mandate and purpose of Congress as expressed in sections 201 and 500 of the Transportation Act, and for other purposes. _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the §§§‘§‘°Q$§{§}}‘,?,*§§*g United States of America in Ocmgreas assemble , That for the pur- C<>¤1>¤¤¤**¤¤:)g*¤~;°*¤dp;*{*’; pose of carrying on the operations of the Government-owned inland, motel inland water canal, and coastwise waterways system to the point where the sys- ""*"“’°""“°°· tem can be transferred to private operation to the best ardvanta e of , if _ the Government, of carrying out the mandates of Congress prescribed Q-§};§};§,; EQ in section 201 of the Transportation Act, 1920, as amended, and of carrying out the policy enunciated by Congress in the first paragraph of section 500 of such Act, there is hereby] created a corporation, in the District of Columbia, to be known as the Inland Waterways Cor- ,,,§°,‘·},'§_§*}.{,§,,,§f,_ W“'· poration (hereinafter referred to as the " corporation ") . The Secretary of War shall be deemd to be the inco orator and the incor ora- _ YP » _ P tion shagl`? helld effected. upon the enactment of this Act. The Secretary o ar s a govern and direct the corporatio th ` _ of the functions vested in it by this Act. H m 8 exercise giiiggiigiiigé and Sno, 2. The capital stoclg of the corporation shall be $5,000,000, all g?g;;¤¤¤ bv ¥'¤¤¤¤¤ of which is hereby subscribed for by the United States. Such sub- " scription shall be paid by the Secretary of the Treasury, within the appropriations therefor, upon call from time to time by the Secretary of War. Upon any such ppyrnent a receipt therefor shall be issued by the corporation to the nrted States and delivered to the Secretary of the Treasury, and shall be evidence of the stock ownership of
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